'Overdamage is a myth'


TL;DR Overdamage DOES exist, but not in the way a lot of people think it does.
Essentially, if you overdamage you will still get soulbound loot, but the tier of the soulbound loot will most likely be of lower quality (pbag or cyan).

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I’ve personally always thought that overdamage is a real thing, but it seems there a lot of people who think it isn’t. Because of this, I decided to take it upon myself and do some tests.

I did 100 crawling depths with 6 other people who were on non-maxed characters whilst I was playing on my 8/8 archer. In all 100 of them, the 6 other people just played as they normally would and attacked the boss until it died.

In 50 of those cdepths I continuously hit the boss until it died.
Results: 40 cyan/pbags, 10 blue bags.

In the other 50 cdepths, I only hit the boss 3 or 4 times with my doom bow, and then backed off and let the other 6 finish off the boss.
Results: 43 blue bags, 1 white bag, 6 cyans, and 0 pbags.

I forgot to mention that the 6 other people in the dungeons with me, who did considerably less damage than I did in my overdamage runs, consistently got blue bags and only got pbags/cyans >20% of the runs.

This proves to me that overdamage is in-fact a thing, but it doesn’t work how a lot of players think it does. You’ll still get soulbound, but the type of soulbound you get will be of a lower tier level (cyan or pbag instead of blue, st, or white).

I can’t be bothered to do the maths, but the chances of 80% of my overdamage runs being cyans/pbags and then over 80% of my non-overdamage runs being blue bags is astronomically low and can’t possibly be a coincidence or chalked up as just being ‘rng’.

My thinking is that this system was put in place to stop people from bringing heaps of alt accounts into dungeons with their main account to up the drop chances on their main account.

At this point, I’m 100% convinced it is a real thing (and have always thought that), and anyone that thinks otherwise I encourage to do testing of their own. I think you’ll quickly find that it is in fact a real thing.

If you think it isn’t a real thing, please explain why. I guarantee I have far more evidence pointing towards it being a real thing than you have evidence of it not being a real thing.


Just to clear up a counter-argument I know I’m going to get:
“You got a pbag/cyan, that means you qualified for soulbound, therefore overdamage isn’t a thing”

I think you’re misinterpreting what overdamage is. Overdamage DOES NOT affect whether or not you get soulbound, it affects what TIER of soulbound you get, and I think the 100 tests I did proves that without a doubt. Obviously, the more tests you do the better, but the person popping the cdepths wasn’t a millionaire and can’t afford to pop 1000s of them just for the sake of testing. If there is some testing server where you can pop keys for free, that’d make testing a whole lot easier and cheaper.

Overdamage = low-tier soulbound, i.e cyan, pbag, very rarely blue/white/st bag.
Non-overdamage = any type of soulbound, i.e cyan, pbag, blue bag, st, white.

Please, if you’re just going to come at me with the ‘overdamage is just a stupid myth’ bs, don’t even bother replying to this thread because quite frankly, your opinion doesn’t matter. I’m looking for evidence, which your opinion is not.

Thank you.


I just hope we can get a deca member to conclude if its a thing or not


My thinking is that overdamage was implemented in the Kabam era of ROTMG to deal with multiboxers or something else of the sort, and has just never been taken out of the game. There could be any number of reasons for it being a thing.

If it is a real thing, and I’m pretty sure it is, I think that it is extremely stupid. Punishing people for doing more damage than other people in a dungeon is just absurd. “Oh, what’s that? You did 90% of the work killing the boss? Here’s some trash!” meanwhile the light blue star who hit the boss for 1000 damage gets a white bag


Just a check: no-one nexused during any of the runs/ rarely, did they?
even then, thats still a fancy drop ratio.



Quite frankly that post proves nothing.
They can throw as much fancy wording and terminology around as they want, but until they actually get in the game and do in-depth testing like I did, I’m going to stick to what the evidence is showing me, and the evidence shows me beyond a reasonable doubt that it is a real thing. Also, him being a self-proclaimed ‘ROTMG Historian’ doesn’t make what he says the truth.

Again, I encourage any naysayers to do testing of their own, you don’t have to take my word for it. I actually WANT to be proven wrong.


Wouldn’t multiboxers inherently do less damage per character because they have more active characters?


This post shows a complete lack of understanding about how statistics work. There is no “in-depth testing” when your sample size is that small.


First off, 100 cdepths is a pretty small sample size. To my experiance most low-end white bags (doku included) have a droprate of around 1/80, so 1 white is reasonable. The potion drops are more suspicious, but we don’t know the actuall drop rates, Whatever they are 53/100 is quite good. Getting more drops with less damage might just as well be a coincidence, you would need to run alot more dungeons to prove anything at all “beyond a reasonable doubt
More importently, you didn’t say what the other 6 people got. If all of them got loot more consistently than maybe you would have a case. Right now all you’re showing is an insane confirmation bias.

This is also nonsense. Multiboxers are a group of more or less regular characters. Adding an overdamage mechanic wouldn’t affect them at all. Not even Kabam would be this dumb.


this is the only overdamage bug that exists

also it is a known fact that ppes get more loot than anybody else


Again, I encourage any naysayers to do testing of their own, you don’t have to take my word for it. I actually WANT to be proven wrong.

You didn’t prove anything yourself either. As others have said, a sample size of 50 is small. Additionally, nobody, other than Deca themselves, can prove that what you suggest isn’t real.

I’m not saying overdamage exists or it doesn’t exists, I can’t prove it. I personally don’t see why such a mechanic would exist but that doesn’t mean it can’t exist.

I could do a million runs and still be unable to prove anything. Sure, I can be very confident in my guess but its still just a guess.


XML wise an individual drop rate can’t be increased with more damage, but another copy of the same drop rate (or even a different one) can be put there with a higher soul bound threshold. So while it is technically possible, Deca would have no reason to do this as it would dis-incentivize lower DPS classes. image


I’m sorry, normally I just watch these threads so I don’t become a contender, but I’d agree with this point pretty quickly. Knowing what your comrades had is pretty important, as something that is somewhat known is the guaranteed pots to xyz amount of players and of what kinds (second part isn’t important). Although I’ve noticed interesting drop ratios in dungeons myself as you have with your tests, I’ve not been bold enough to declare either way.
(Although, I would be moderately surprised if overdamaging was confirmed to be a thing, personally.)


I should probably just let Kiddforce at his piece, huh; whoops


I can confirm without a doubt that overdamage has no effect at all on drops you will receive. Besides checking whether you’ve hit the soulbound threshold at all damage record is never called to determine your actual drop chances in any way, there’s no system in place to determine bag types as specific tier beyond which one is displayed and that system isn’t hooked to the calculation at all, other than tiered items there’s also nothing to define an item as more valuable and aside from Loot Tier Potion there’s again nothing tied to tiered item that increases their rate or tier.

Since you want strong evidence I hope a statement from someone working on the game and who’s looked at the actual code is enough to convince you that it really is a myth and that RNG can really produce some one sided results sometimes.


Thanks for clarifying. Very silly that people are so convinced by nonsense that your input is needed to settle the matter.


All this “evidence” is completely anecdotal


This is the equivalent of me doing 10 shatters, getting 2 crowns from that total, then coming to a conclusion that the crown droprate is at roughly 20% chance. RNG is RNG, and works in a way where the more times you roll for a specific result, the closer it gets to the actual percentage of rolling that result.

In other words, your sample size is way, WAY too small to come up with any decisive conclusion, 2 sets of 50 Cdepths simply doesn’t cut it. If you want to run experiments, you must do it at a much larger scale, quantity wise and length wise as well, otherwise the results really don’t mean much due to inaccuracy.


I can do the math and see how likely it’s a coincidence (thanks AP stat) but still, a sample size of 100 is barely big enough for anything, as @PhantomMod stated earlier.


Math has been done

Smarter people than me exist in the forums, so if I made a mistake or other people could do it better, please go ahead. I’m going to be using a two-sample z-test of proportions because there are two samples. The null hypothesis is that the proportions of good drops are equal, while the alternative hypothesis for this case will be that the proportions of good drops with overdamage is lower than the proportion of drops with “normal drops” (also there’s a lot of uncontrolled variables here where other people may have had different gear, different damages on the boss, etc., but we’ll let it slide for the sake of argument). The sample proportion of good drops for regular damage is 43/50, and the sample proportion for good drops for overdamage is 10/50. The pooled estimator is 53/100. The two samples can be inferred to be independent. Because I’m lazy, I’m going to assume every other condition is filled to perform a t-test even though the sample probably isn’t normal. The z* value is [(.2-.86)-0]/[(.53*.47)(.02*.02)], which goes to -6.611. The probability that z<-6.611 is less than .00001, which means it’s very likely that overdamage or some other factor was significantly affecting your outcomes. Some other factors that you could be missing out on might be cyan and blue have same weight under sb, the ones I put above, and a lot more. It’s just really hard to control for these factors in this game lmao

Please read it I wasted too much time on it for it to have been worth like 2 likes pls
God damn I do not miss stats lmao