Paden vs Necker


Paden supreme




I just want to appreciate how taun refuses to write paden and necker.

Yā€™all sound like a bunch of two year olds just learning how to barely enunciate coherent sentences.






necro also has damaging with momento mori

max hp and regen =/= heal it helps keep you alive but its not a heal, heal gives instant hp like necro or priest.

Fairy seal is trash. plus you have to be really close to your opponent for it to slow them.


Umā€¦ you forgot invulnerability, armored, way higher defā€¦




Ninja heā€™s the best


armored is a party effect. Great now the necro can ep the pally


Try getting close to that dblade or pixie
and if they are against each other, necro doesnā€™t get party effects, those are for ALLIES


Shut up and use the ninja


Insert they hated him for he spoke the truth meme






When your most popular post is this one :man_facepalming:


only affects allies


Damnit, deleted the image I was gonna uploadā€¦ :frowning:




Priest best class, cwand on ppe yesterday