Patch X.18.0 Halloween Madness


It’s the little marks that show a quest in the realm and it gives a red dot on the map. Quests were in the lod and they were so annoying bcuz they covered up the screen.


The egg quests were really unpopular and not performing across the board, so we decided to change them. Much like them, the new scout quests are still catered towards newer players. We’ll keep an eye on it to see if they’re better or worse.


The eggs quest could have been popular for new players, but the problem was that finding the specific eggs was a true pain. It could have worked better with 3 or 4 of any eggs (in my opinion)

However these new scouting quests are a nice addition, thanks for that.


Yep, that would have been ideal, but it’s not possible just yet, quest requirements have to be certain item IDs.


Very good points. Yes, maybe my thoughts were being limited/skewed by the new players I “helped” to get their omelettes, as most new players won’t have that assistance.

Thanks for the explaining the “thought process”. :+1:


Should also mentioned that while it’s catered to new players, the goal was also to have them be more interesting for players across the board, because what we were missing are simple quests that can be completed quickly within a matter of minutes. You can essentially see it as a loot bonus on the first Godlands dungeon of the day!


What new(er) players? All I see is the same old farts… 8) 8)

Buff drop rates of simple rum in pirate caves. Buff drop rates of magic mushroom from hobbit mages (or whatever lowland plebs). Maybe think about adding some funny/usless drop to those small graveyards (or whatever those things are supposed to be; that smaller than lich king guy who shouts at you). There’s also pollen, honey and speed krauts. These might be adequate ingredients to be collected by newer players.

And if you’re going to hand out two pots, why not hand out something more special, like those large/double pots instead? Basically the same thing, and yet…



His lootchest very useful for your T2 items! (we ran an “event” one time where we needed players to have T2 items). :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s the one.

So… how about a boney potion/one-way spell something, that spawns a few spoopy skeletons to fight for you? Nothing strong (in terms of hp or damage output), but with a long lifetime, s.t. you can have a spoopy army following you around. Awesome! Yes? : D


Th pots aren’t soulbound so I think that helps this quest be a little more useful. If they were soulbound I wouldn’t be bothered.


Some of the small fixex and changes are what I enjoy seeing most. It shows attention to detail and care. Something which realm had not seen in years


uhh… I think this may be glitched.


also @Krathan, what exactly are these? are they limited?

i’m scared to use em lol


What did you get those from?


completed the maze first and entering the house and cleared out some stuff
they dropped in pbags


Oooo shiny.


maze resets every server reset, more chances to get this shitty candy!


Thing is most people aren’t even willing to do the maze anyway, it’s easy to just hop into a server and nab candy.


the thing is that the haunted house portal doesn’t open until the maze is completed once, which means that if you’re just relying on the portal someone’s gonna get the candy before you

as for me I basically have the maze memorized now xd


Color Inversion makes the maze a snap regardless sooo.