Patch X.20.1 Oryxmas Eve


So if the hp is ~1000, and they are densely packed… how well would a plague poison work? I don’t have one, so I can’t test it.


Plague would be annoying simply because of how long it takes to kill. One only does 500, so you’d need minimum two for their entire duration


You want to be able to kill the presents quickly so you can move on to the deeper and more rewarding rooms. Poisons aren’t as helpful as you’d think since they take a while and usually won’t finish the job. You’d be better off with something like a trap to deal a quick burst of damage and make it a little quicker to clear out a group.


Percentage of what? Max HP? Base HP? And how does it work for healing enemies like Ruthven and KBQ?


Oof. I have finals all of next week.

Prepare to say bye to my Icy Prot.


Makes sense. Sorry, haven’t been in the dungeon yet, so I don’t know all of the mechanics.


This was only up for a few minutes but whats UGC and does that have anything to do with this update or did DECA do this by accident?


Map Name.

yeah prolly just a bug


Finally, those event bosses will really feel like raid bosses


Meh, I saw a 2 mil one… fame train did o2


Okay, so a basic loot definition looks like this.

<SoulboundLoot threshold=".01" prob=".3">Potion of Speed</SoulboundLoot>

There can be other factors such as a minimum and maximum amount or specifying an overall tiered group of items, but this is the important part. The threshold is a percentage of a monster’s overall HP. In this example, I would need to contribute at least 1/100 of the damage dealt to the enemy in order to qualify. To my understanding, the percentage is of the monster’s max HP, whatever the number is initially set at. A monster cannot heal away your soulbound damage, it would only offer more of an opportunity for yourself and others to reach it.


Would an archer be good in santa? Cause I feel like getting dbow then equip my crown and KILLKILLKILLKILL


Cbow would probably be more effective because of the spread.


Archer is excellent in the Workshop. I was able to reach the final room consistently and pretty easily as long as you don’t waste too much time.


What did you get? (loot wise)


How bout covert, more spread




I was referring to testing runs. I haven’t actually gotten the chance to do one on prod yet (though I will once I get three more ice shards).


Did you use covert/cbow/st bow?



Will 85 player cap affect Nexus?
Is it true
affect play who in dungeon and realm are full