Pet Peeves


jews, don’t kys
Hmm i didnt know kys was a banned word


When you run out of water while playing. You either have to endure thirst or

  1. Nexus
  2. Stop your music or whatever you’re listening to
  3. Take of your headphones
  4. Get up

  1. all of the above


You make this sound like you’re bearing the weight of the world or something xD



  • Buying pets as holiday gifts
  • Texting and driving
  • Phone usage during a movie or social gathering
  • Nudging
  • Not planning ahead how one will get home safely when they’re intoxicated


Some of these sound like pet peeves, others fit better in the life-ending category.


Another one: people who spell it “rouge”. This makes me want to claw my eyes out every time I see it.


Hey rouge in the corner can you stop leaching



People who stand on the wrong side of the escalator when I’m rushing home or to internship. Bonus points for people who don’t want to move even after I ask them politely to excuse themselves.

People who blatantly ignore others who need the reserved seat (train/bus) more than they do. I’ve seen elderly and children alike having to stand in a busy transport while there are healthy people hogging the reserved seat.

Gold medal of peeves to this one dude who rushed into the train and sat in the reserved seat before this elderly man could get a chance


yikes, what a mean guy


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