Playing on Linux I can't close the calendar


Playing on linux I can’t close the calendar and it reappears every time i go to nexus

[Serious enough bug to get its own thread, moved out of Trivial Issues - Nevov]

Trivial Issues Thread

Does it close when you enter a realm, your vault, guild hall etc.?


Yes and I usually close it by pressing o twice


I have no idea y!
What happens when you double click o? Does it just disappear?


Unfortunately, you can’t close the calendar on Linux by pressing the ‘X’. It seems to be an issue with Flash’s optimization/sizing on Linux, so there’s no easy way to fix it on your side.

I used to play on Linux as well, and your best bet is pressing ‘o’ twice, as you’re doing right now. It may be slightly inconvenient, but it’s the tradeoff for being able to play the game without too much lag.


I assume it opens the options menu (and closes the calendar by default) and then press it again to close the options menu




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