Official Thread: Polish and Balancing


It shows the total damage over time, not the damage per tick.


Okay so i did the “Test Quest”. Upon clicking “Thanks” I was thanked with this:

BUT! Fear not. I pressed my option key twice and it disappeared. I assume it’s a client-sided problem with that transparent template not removing itself. <3 ya krathan.


In my opinion ghastly prism is little op now, like ep but for trick xD For real…ghastly needed that buff


CDirk still bad


The t2 poison says 80 damage every 0.8 seconds, but in practice it hits 85 (every 1 second im assuming)


Stolen my iDEA

/s, I’m very, very happy to see these changes, even if I can’t get into testing…
Currently, Emails already used for a web account can’t be used for testing, it seems, so that might still be something to possibly look into.


What this means is it deals 80 damage on impact after 0.8 seconds, which is the time it takes to throw and land.
The line below is the damage over time.

Everyone let me know if you don’t find the descriptions to be clear!


Oh I see. I think that splitting it just makes it seem more complicated than it should be. Or maybe that’s just me being dyslexic.


Good but not enough…


I’m hoping tablet will be getting a buff alongside cdirk because it is still the weakest event white in the game. My suggestion is to rework it by getting rid of the piercing and making the projectiles of the spell be targeted inwards towards the cursor at a slow speed with higher damage to make up for the delay. That way it can be both situational and potentially very powerful against stationary targets.


Too bad all the others are still there




In one of the posts about the public testing, you said something about having maxed characters and free items as well as it being easy to get a good pet. What ever happened to that?


I think it’s fine to display only the total damage which is what matters in almost all situations.


Magic Woods are not an end game dungeon


Hey also, I don’t know if there should be a new display thingy when you complete all the quests such as the old “QUESTS COMPLETE” with the confetti falling down, but now when i complete all there’s just a confetti drop.


oh, makes sense. Thanks for pointing this out.


Even with you explaining it, there is no way I will remember what it means when actually playing. I would split it up between like “Poison” “Throw Time” etc to make it more clear


I can’t change my name, it says that I dont have enough gold. I’m stuck at Iri it seems


You can delete your account and remake if you want (which is what I did). There should be a reset button on the main menu next to logout