Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


It all goes downhill from here.

(But let’s keep it kid friendly okay? I don’t wan’t to lose my youtube pennies :frowning: )

Vitality potions
[Forum Game] First thing that comes into mind

gonna be pretty hard to keep this thread from turning into a shitfest.


Just out of curiosity, do you have any plans on how to keep this discussion thoughtful, civil and worthwhile? Because politics right now seems to be anything but that, and asking a bunch of (somewhat) immature people with a such a huge variation in worldviews, personal experiences and trigger points as to what they think about the world seems like a dangerous choice.



I’ll just leave this hot propaganda here and be on my way.~


By silencing people who don’t agree with me duh! nah but idk really, it’s definitely not supposed to be a debate thread, but more of somewhere to discuss stuff that’s happening around the world n stuff.

I for one would like it if people would be at least respectable if it came down to discussion, ie you don’t have to like someone but don’t be an ass about it.

(I’ll probably have the moderators enforce my totalitarian dictatorship over this thread though :smiling_imp:)

Edit: @SoloSen you forgot about climate change ://


You mean you didn’t just make this thread as flamewar bait? Could’ve fooled me.


Imagine actually buying into politicised music :expressionless:

  1. I support secure borders (yeah, MUH WALL, and a complete immigration system overhaul)
  2. I support a capitalist society
  3. I support a conservative/libertarian government
  4. I do not support Donald Trump
  5. I do not support any expansion of government
  6. I do not support government funded abortion and birth control (I support very little government funded programs, but it seems birth control is the hot topic of 2019)


I don’t care about politics, I chose to avoid them.


I’ll just put this out here, why not

  1. Yes to secure borders, but the wall is stupid.
  2. I may be on the “left” coast (hey @ doc I finally know what that means) but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything either party says.wants
  3. Fuck trump.
  4. Don’t like legalized recreation weed, ever since California has done that there’s been too many people doing drugs in the school bathrooms.
  5. I’m alright with abortion/birth control, as a dude I have no right to say what women want to do with their bodies.
  6. Climate change exists. Deal with it.
  7. Not LGBTQ myself, but I’m ok with LGBTQ people. The way I see it: If I already enjoy being in your company/being your friend before you come out as LGBTQ, it doesn’t change anything about you. You are who you are, if I already enjoyed being your friend it doesn’t change anything. Same for furries.

I had a debate with @ThatsMyJam on the realmmafia server over politics before kek.


hm what did we debate about again, I’ve pretty much forgotten (not trying to be a dick)





ok so what about MUH WALL do you disagree with? wasn’t it like about how expensive it would be vs how effective or



I think I was trying to say how the wall wouldn’t be just 5 billion dollars, and if it did get build we would need actual people there anyways to make sure people just don’t climb over.

And if we have people there anyways, you may as well not have the wall in the first place.



yes, they exist. :confused:


i want the great wall of the united states to be a thing


As a tax payer, you have a right to control to some extent where your tax money is going to be spent. Being a man does not and should not change that.

A better argument for abortion/birth control is that outlawing it doesn’t really change the amount of times it happens, it just gives rich people yet another advantage over the poor: they can just travel to a foreign country and get an abortion there, or use their connections to have a doctor do it discreetly in their country. Meanwhile, if you’re too poor for these options, you’re gonna have to do it yourself (and probably die a gruesome and painful death).

  1. Fix immigration policies. There are plenty of illegal aliens here.
  2. Not really a fan of any political party
  3. Trump is bad. But so was the presidential election
  4. Agree with Candyshi on the weed stuff, since it seems a lot of people are smoking stuff
  5. Abortion is fine, if they don’t want a child that’s their choice
  6. I don’t care is your gay, lesbian, retarded, if you’re my friend before coming out as gay, I’d still be your friend(albeit with some joking around). But if you purposely say you LGBTQ or whatever, I probably won’t like you, not because I hate that community but because your annoying


I’m not a tax payer either… yet
Ok lemme rephrase that:
I have nothing against allowing women to pay for an abortion themselves, as it doesn’t affect me negatively.


I wouldn’t use that as a reason. Just because something doesn’t affect you negatively doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad thing.