Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


The “dictatorship of the proletariat” is a fairytale. Communism in practice almost always leads to the creation of an oligarchy or individual absolutism. Doesn’t help that communist leaders are generally sons of a middle-to-upper class family with a university education who haven’t worked a day of their lives as proletarians (see also: the current president of China).


my man is a hardworking member of the proletariat, dont you dare say otherwise




well as seen with the sino soviet slipt communism is more diverse then it is generally painted to be. The communism in cuba does not reflect that of china or the soviet union.

Much like demorcacy or countries that say they have democracy it can vary widly, such as the united states to russia

It is up to the country to decided what type of government they have and what it is called not foreign powers, China calls themselves communist so they are communist.

What someone may consider a soccer fan is not what others would consider a soccer fan but if they say they like soccer, well just because you say otherwise does not mean they are not

Of course its a fairly tale

reality and communism have never really gone together


Did you know that north korea defines itself as a democracy?


north korea isn’t true democracy.






but seriously, don’t tell me you actually believe in the Scotsman fallacy.

or am I the one who has been jebaited :flushed:


He said that if some state sees itself as communist or something then it also is communist or something, even if outside viewers disagree and i replied with a counterexample.

I dont see how that relates to the no true scotsman fallacy :confused:


If a regime says they’re a democracy but only authorizes one single political party to present a candidate for the elections, it’s not a scotsman fallacy to call them liars.


I meant my previous statement

because obviously, North Korea doesn’t practice “true” democracy because it’s not a democracy at all, like @RMGnoob pointed out. Which is why I Sarcastically said that fallacious statement, seeing as its used as a diversion tactic to not have one’s argument challenged.

(since im big brain and [mentally deficient] I’ll give an example to what I mean. So by agreeing with “North Korea isn’t a true democracy”, you’re agreeing that North Korea is in some way democratic, just not the correct version, which imo is incorrect. it’s like agreeing with someone that Canada isn’t truly communist, when they never were in the first place. That and the statement itself usually means that whatever is being dismissed as not “true” whatever, is in fact a version of that whatever, just not the version they agree with or doesn’t suit their narrative).

And now you see why my joke was funny, so please laugh now or [ I will report your account to Chinese authorities and lower your social credit score, comrade].

(I had a brain aneurism


they don’t

They are quite proud of supreme god leader and make it clear no elections will ever be held to change that fact


North Korea is formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)


“United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Is actually not a kingdom and they dont claim to be an actual kingdom like Saudi Arabia where the monarchs actually hold power despite having it in their name

such as north korea who also does not claim to be any sort of democratic system

Back the main point china is and has always been communist even if it does not fit into your personal window of communism, there exist many branches as it has existed for over 100 years now it evolves into many forms


You cant really call them liars since they never lied in the first place they have never defined themselves as a democracy despite having it in their name refer to great Britain


thanks for the link, pretty interesting read so far.

though I wouldn’t say it was always communist, just that most of it’s modern history has been communist.


Also the ruling party is the communist party of China


I think the primary argument is that it doesnt matter what they call themselves, what they do defines what they are


Well they define themselves as communist and that’s pretty much their core value


sure, I could have the core values of a murderer and call myself as such, but if I don’t murder people, am I a murderer?

Likewise, does China have all the tenets of communism?


So china is communist because the call themselves communist, but north korea isn’t democratic despite of them calling themselves democratic?