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I’m no lawyer, and I don’t have access to everyone’s favorite friend (Google) right now, so I’m just going to say what I remember the law was.

A death threat can be prosecuted if the prosecution can prove that the person is able to carry out the threat (and has motive I believe).

For example: if people reply to me in the WB thread saying “I’m gonna stab you if you get another white bag”. Do they have motive? Sort of… if you don’t understand the joke context. Can a prosecutor prove they had the means to kill me? No. The person “threatening” me doesn’t know where I live (I hope :grimacing:), and they can’t prove that the person had a knife to stab me with. In addition, if the person making the “threat” happens to have no arms, they do not have the means to stab the victim and thus cannot be prosecuted.

Now if you sent someone a picture of their house/address with you holding a knife saying “I’m gonna stab you little timmy”, that could probably be prosecuted.

(Again I might have gotten something wrong here, but I can’t double check. I know the “no arms” thing is true though.)


good point. if you threaten the president you’ll get in trouble. but then again, it’s hard to determine real death threats from rash words, and lawyers are expensive :stuck_out_tongue:. If you have a gun tho, if someone actually comes to your house with a knife you can just show it to them and they’ll usually not be aggressive anymore


That’s actually illegal in some states.


where? don’t say Cali cuz I live there (we don’t have guns in our house rn but I’m planning on buying one when I move out, just in case)


If a guy shows up to your house with the intent to kill, I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to use the gun or at least wave it around




No google.

Outside your property would probably fall under “open carry” states (if you’re just happening to “show” them your gun).

Inside your property would probably be “stand your ground” states.

I’m pretty sure you cant threaten someone with a gun (i.e. point it at them) if they’re standing outside your property in any states (albeit with a knife). They’re not a direct threat to your life in that scenario. Now if they’re running at you with a knife that’d be different.


aight good now I don’t have to move to texas

jk but not really


Well, if I stand outside on my porch with my firearm ready, and he’s standing just a few meters away with a knife, I think that would be permissible- I’m still on my property, and the fucker has a knife


off topic are you allowed to shoot someone if he’s trying to kill your pet?


Ah yes but standing your ground is always your “last option”. In that case, since he’s not moving towards you, I believe you’re legally obligated to back away and “deescalate” the scenario.


nvm I forgot I had google (just came back from china)


if you retreat into your house, who’s to say that he won’t come charging in?

Also, I never said that you had to have your gun pointed at him- You could stroll in a chair and pretend to be reading, all while holding one hand on the trigger

Also, if you interpret a guy standing outside your house and obviously not just passing by as a threat to your life, and keep your gun on you, ready to fire, I doubt that you would get charges pressed against you

Again, I could totally see you getting accused of manslaughter if you shoot to kill, but if you just have your gun out, I don’t see the problem with it


If he moves towards you then you are allowed to shoot.

You’re supposed to have to be 100% certain that there’s a threat to your life or your loved ones.

If you only have your gun out I believe it’s an open carry question, unless open carry doesn’t apply on your porch/front yard.


there are two parts of cuba one is owned by the us the other by the communist gov there. the prison is located in the us part:


never mind actually the us does not own any part of cuba it just leases the prison which could be called part of us???


Your opinion is correct :wink: When people do stuff like that it makes all of us Christians look bad. If actual “Christians” held those signs then that is wrong! How is that showing the the love of God?? Any school shooting is very sad and those people’s actions are despicable. Now hopefully you don’t think that every Christian is like that. :sunglasses: My apologies if I am ranting. But when I read your post my first thought was what those people did is utterly embarrassing! Wow this is a lot of words XD

Edit: Please don’t see this as supporting LGBTQ


And on the topic of guns, 2 days ago there was a horrific shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, ending the lives of 3 innocent people and injuring 10 more. This makes me really angry and scared, as this is very close to where I live, but I don’t believe this prompts “carpet bomb” gun bans. They just hurt the population. If there was even one responsible gun owner at the shooting, he could have easily ended the shooting before it began.

However, I do believe in restriction of guns so psychos can’t get them. Strict background checks and a waiting period of a few months before giving the gun to the buyer would reduce shootings by a lot. But once you pass the strict tests, you should be able to carry them wherever you want, because there’s no point in buying a gun for self defense if you can’t use it when you need it most.


Good point. Sad to hear about the shooting. :frowning_face:


Also, schools should be funded a lot more and teachers should have a respected job. We want to make people want to be teachers, but they need to be really good to make it. Right now public schools are kinda trash imo, and this disadvantages poor kids who are willing to work hard (unable to afford tutors, extracurriculars).

High school is supposed to prepare you to be a hardworking member of society, but right now you can graduate high school without even knowing how to read. And back to teaching being a respected and hard-earned position, kids need to be cooperative, they need to be drilled into their minds at birth how lucky they are to have a free education and how many kids around the world walk miles to get to a broken down, dirty schoolhouse.

And since it’s so hard to become a teacher (i propose strict background checks to see if the applicant is stable and safe), then teachers can be armed so they stand a chance against school shooters, and even prevent the tragic deaths of children from ever happening.

America is known around the world for school shootings (some german kids at summer camp even joked that they heard school shooting were a tradition in America), and with more respected, competent teachers that can protect their students, this might not be the case in a few years.

Where is the money for this going to come from? Not higher taxes, as this unfairly targets the hardworking middle class such as my family. We need to cut taxes for other, unworthy causes such as welfare that can make homeless people fat, or universal healthcare, which is unachievable.

Welfare and Prison food should be a bare minimum, to prompt poor families to work harder and to punish prisoners, and not have retarded things such as gender changing operations in prison (seriously, look it up, a murderer and robber was allowed to have an expensive gender change operation, off of our @#$%& TAX DOLLARS).

Sadly, I think it will take more loss of life and tragic shootings for the government to wake up.