Poloprock's PPE Thread


Update time! Today’s update is going to be pretty good, though it would be even better if could properly screenshot and save said screenshots. There were some things I thought I took screenshots of, but didn’t and there were things I took screenshots of, but they were deleted from my clipboard. I’m going to make sure I do a better job next of saving screenshots somewhere immediately so I don’t lose them.

Nest loot! + 7/8

I verified for the Pest Control discord yesterday and did my first set of nests this morning. Doing nests with a discord makes the nests bosses almost trivial. Last time I did nests prior to today was about 2 years ago and I remember being it much harder, but that’s probably because I was doing public nests. Having a somewhat optimized group with everyone knowing what to do obviously makes it easier.

Now for the loot. I took screenshots of everything, but they were deleted from my clipboard because I took too many screenshots of other things. I did 5 nests and I got 4 life, some dex, ST huntress trap, dominion armor (my first!), wyrm (my first!), and a starmother (my first!). It’s my first time getting t14 armor so that was amazing. I literally got one of each from 3 consecutive nests. Not sure how rare that is, but it was really epic. I collected 3 marks from the nests and got a nest chest. I got 2 life, 1 mana, the bee armor thing, and other pots. This allowed me to max to 7/8.

Since I don’t have the screenshots of the drops, here’s screenshots of the loot afterwards and proof that the nest completes were done only on this knight.


There’s the wyrm. As you can see, I don’t have nest completes on my assassin (yet) and I don’t have any other characters, so you just gotta believe me that the PPE luck has been stellar so far.

Cdepths loot + 8/8

Wow found a troom right next to spawn. How rare is that lol?

Rip these ppl. Also, hi @PRCSakura.
Also, I can’t find the screenshot, but I get 8/8 at some point by doing cdepths. (You can see the 1 mana left in the other screenshots.) Also, I got a sky sword, which is an upgrade to my archon sword and an exa hp, which is an upgrade to para hp. I thought I screenshotted those but I guess not.

I got like 7 dokus, so I fed 6 of them and vaulted 1 of them.


I completed some fame quest things.

Wlab loot

Aside from the nice base fame, I got the vanity wand, which I’m accidently blocking in the screenshot. I’m not picking them up because no space. I’m using the tokens to get the ones I want in gift chest.

Pots and other stuff

Buying normal def to fuse into gdef is a lot harder to do than buying att to fuse to gatt, so I didn’t get as much as I did for att. I got some of the vanities by the tokens.
Also, I lost the ss, but I got a bp with CC and 2 other things I’m forgetting from a wlab. Probably not going to forge a cc since I’m knight, but yeah.


I doubt I’ll be able to do many exaltation dungeons since it’s the weekdays. But when I do, I will be working on attack exaltation first because I can still get loot upgrades (acclaim, colo and ub hp) and I want some of those shatters whites (primarily bracer, but gem and crown are good too). I didn’t expect to get a dominion so quickly from doing nests. I’m definitely going to work on the exaltation for dex at some point, but a slower pace than shatters, I’m going to join the fungal’s discord soon so I can work on those other exaltations and try to get the knight white. I’ll do cults at a slow pace since I don’t really need the loot from there. I’m going to be totally honest. I’m really nervous to do mbc and void. I haven’t tried one since about January from last year.

This was before IC/OOC. I think I can complete one, but I’m going to at least try on my assassin first, so I can get a hang of it. I want to make this ppe really good. I’ll definitely do them at some point though. As for O3, I’m not going to try them until I get a 3rd character slot so I can practice with an expendable character. I’ll try practicing in testing whenever that’s available. So yeah that’s the plan. Hope y’all are enjoying the PPE so far. Going to make sure I do better with taking screenshots.


Cool. For the mbc and void I learned mine 1 to 2 weeks ago. You should do them. Just fill your inventory with hp pots and then bingo your done learning.


Me also saw SoA rammed through 5 dudes. Happened to me before on my Paladin.

And, hi. <3


i would highly suggest joining a better server than pub halls if you can, because the mbc survivals in some of them take 15 seconds as opposed to like 2 minutes. also, if you havent already, turn your opacity down and maybe work on micrododging at https://just-dodge.online/


I have tips for mbc if you need them! Void tbh you can just dodge and you’re, but I’d recommend following the boss for more dps.


I can definitely do this lol. My brother said he was having a high success rate completing Halls using his knight in the Pub Halls Discord server, so that definitely encouraging. He carries a lot of HP pots for doing MBCs and voids.

SoA is very scary especially if the boss isn’t slowed and/or stunned. Had a few close calls so far. People should always try to kill the quieting minions, so players that have the ability to stun and slow can do so.

Do you have invites to some of these discords? (You can DM them to me either here or on discord: (@Bharati 2.0#7790 or you can find me as Poloprock in pub halls or in Pest Control.) I’m curious to learn what the requirements for other discords are. Unfortunately, I only have 2 character slots (and it’s unlikely I’ll spend money on the game in the near future), so that limits me in what discords I can join. I’m also curious to know what are the gear requirements to join runs on these other discords. Like would my current PPE be able to join runs as it stands right now?
I think the only LHs discord I’m in that isn’t pub halls is SBC, but I haven’t verified in that. It has the following reqs:

According to realmeye, I have:

That’s 88 points. Is realmeye fully updated with those stats? Also, I’m pretty sure I have more completes on mules that I don’t use anymore. Either way, an easy way I can get the required points is to fully exalt spd on both my characters by doing cults.

I think this happens when you have proper DPS, right?

Yup, I’ve already done this. It’s very helpful for being able to find and dodge shots.

I’ve seen others link that for practicing O3. Does that have anything specific for MBC/Void? Either way, I’m definitely going to check that out. Thanks!

I’d love to see them if you feel like writing them out. Can be helpful for other players too.

It’s been a while since I did a void, but I usually tried to do that at the start of the void. Then, I would peel off and focus on minions and dodging.


That’s me here whenever I try to raid LH.

Just remove the slowing web in the boss room and SoA shouldn’t be too scary.


How in the actual??? My experimental alt account have 6 character slots as a F2P.


I know in the past, I’ve missed getting character slots by 1 or 2 days. Also, I’ve taken so many breaks that I’ve missed out on a lot opportunities to get character slot coupons and other free character slots, like from reconstruction. I literally came back to the game last month 1 day too late and I missed the 2 character slot coupons by exactly 1 day :frowning:.


Small update. I was a little burnt out from doing 100+ wlabs and 50+ cdepths in the last 3 days so I didn’t play that much today. Also, I wasn’t really able to do discord runs today since I don’t really have time unless it is a weekend.


I have like no vault space, so I had to feed these unfortunately since I don’t intend on doing O3s any time soon. Also, I couldn’t find any buyers I could pop these for, so that was unfortunate. They do have good fp though.

Rainbow road

Cool, but I’m not picking it up since no vault space. This was the first rainbow road I did by finding a lep in a realm. I wish these vanities had somewhat decent fp (~400 would be fine with me) so it would be worth picking them up.

Cdepth loot

I think this is like my 8th doku since event started.


Hives are hard to find when you’re looking for one.

Deja vu

Absolutely shocked I got another one! Now, I’m never going to complain about getting events whites, but LOTL pls give ogmur :flushed::point_right::point_left:. I beg ;-;

Epic Chest

It’s so hard to find a tcave when you’re looking for one. Meanwhile, when I randomly go to my brother’s room to ask him something, he finds like 4 tcaves in like 5 minutes.

Pots are pots. No complaints from me there.


Had dex quest today, so farmed some pots and converted to dex.
I have the cdepths and the mana fusion quests today, so that’s what I’m going to be doing a lot of today.
Also, you can see the cool guild I joined today. You should join if you’re looking for a guild tbh.


how don’t you ever get bored farming pots for fusion


Yes yes cool guild :ok_hand::muscle:


I only have 1 on me at the moment because I had already popped the last few, but I regularly do those tinkerer quests to acquire TCaves! If you’re in need of one in the future, just shoot me a message.


I think there’s a couple reasons for that. If I wasn’t doing that fusion quest, I would likely be giving away all my pots since both of my characters are 8/8 and I have limited vault space. So doing the quest gives me a sense of progression. Also, for the pots I use for the fusion quest (in this case, dex), it’s not like I’m specifically farming sprite worlds for them. I’m doing dungeons I want to do (event dungeons, cems, ddocks, oryxs, etc.) and then converting the pots I get to the ones I need. I usually overpay for the pots I need, so I don’t spend as much time trading and, at the end, it’s sorta like I’m giving away my pots, but I get something I need in return. Another reason why I like doing the quest is that at some point in the near future, I will be able to run discord dungeons consistently and when I do, I expect to die a lot (at least at the start). So these pots will allow me to re-max quickly back to requirements. I don’t think I would be having as much fun doing the quest if I was able to consistently and constantly doing discord runs for exaltation dungeons right now, but alas I’m at home and my options and time are limited.

Will do! Thanks for the offer :slight_smile:


Replacing doing Discord runs with public attempts, that is my exact progression and line of thinking with the game :smile:


Smol, but sweet update.

Pet Skin

Epic Chest

Popped on assassin because it had a clover active. Got marks on knight. Pots are pots.

Oryx Shards

:open_mouth: I’m surprised I actually got a sword. I really like the range on it. It does very well at low defenses, so it’s going to be a swap out.

Ty Oryx

Finally got an upgrade to my sky sword.


It’s like the 3rd one I got, so I fed it.


I was actually able to do a few nests today :). That’s a duplicate bp though. So I fed it. I’m going to craft the Lute when I make another Bard. Rest of nest loot was not very interesting (just dex and life pots). I guess I got really lucky when I got 3 t14 armors in a row.

My first ever exaltation :D

I was able to complete 8 nests in about 35 minutes doing full skip nests. I’m really impressed at how well optimized discord runs can. There were only a couple deaths in all those nests and I think my hp went down to 400 only once.
I was originally going to do shatters, but my internet messed up right before the first shatters boss was dead and I wasn’t going to wait for another afk-check, so I did nests instead.


Didn’t get as much mana as I thought I would. Still a little burnt out from doing them. Got the mana fusion quest again, so I’ll try to stock up on more mana.
Also, I verified for the fungal/crystal caverns discord. Definitely going to be doing some those to farm the shield from there and work on exaltations.


Idk man for me (I currently have 2 8/8s and 1 5/8 and 1 char that is 0/8) I just get bored of roaming godlands entering random dungeons. Usually when I play I either feel bored while playing doing dungeons or some fun doing discords.


I felt the same way about the game a couple years ago before I took a really long break. Nothing was fulfilling other than doing halls.

I’m in stage 4 of the meme right now and I hope it says that way.


Nice so I think mbc is harder than o3. I got my first complete today and then my second complete today. I only did 3 runs in my whole life. I think that you could learn o3 before mbc which I think is harder. I learned using https://just-dodge.online


Interesting, I’m definitely going to use that website for practice. Still think I’m going to try a void first though since I do have prior experience, so I know what to expect.


I’ve been using that site lately too, though I’m just on the beginner levels. Do they include phases like mbc survival later on? I would have loads of completed of voids but I struggle with that phase and have to use a lot of hp pots.