Positive trade review


I just got scammed twice and now I’m being a bit more careful about trading. I think that there should be a way to mark people you’ve traded with in the past for your own reference, showing if you trust them or if you enjoyed trading with them. If someone is quick, accommodating, or has proven to be trust \worthy you would be able to remember who they are for next time


I think this would all be solved with bp trading


That would be a nice extra option to add to the menu.


(you could just mark good traders as friends aswell)


How do you get to that? I was looking for it to mark someone as a scammer but i couldnt find it so i did it in game


if u get scammed, its your fault for being foolish


its just that some people trust others and have faith in humanity
while others dont


Yeah it was a multi window trade. I don’t care about the life cause i have 200 more still, but it kind of suck that nobody else was selling what I wanted at the time.
I just think one thing that would make it easier is to be able to mark people you trust.




U can also try the pubhalls trading chat if u want safe trades


Speaking of multi-window trades, deca should allow players to trade from both inventories (backpacks).


Yeah, I’ve been scammed a ton throughout my time playing Realm.

Other times, I accidentally click the Trade button and lose my stuff.

Other times, the other trader attempts to scam you multiple times, and says, “Sorry can we trade again?” (I enjoy saying “sure” and canceling the Trade)


lmao that’s fun. Once there was a guy who was blatantly scamming, saying he was gonna pop cland for 4 life. There was no key in his inv, so I just said “Wait a little I’ll be back” and just afked and watched youtube, and 20 mins later he was still there, 10+ messages in the chat saying “are you done yet”


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