Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


The game is dead because nothing is public anymore, every new content is private keys and 99% of players are in bazaars, and the realm maps haven’t been upgraded since 2010, theres such an abysmal distance between the gameplay of a ‘medium’ to ‘pro’ player to newbies, it’s like they’re playing a different game.

…while in the past we, as public realms, were all working together and beating the big man. In-Realm content felt valuable back then.

They should work on expanding and making the easily accessible realm content better. Maybe do something to stop segregating players and try to unite them for once

edit: I said the same thing in 2018


Yep. In order for a game to thrive it has to be able to take in new players. Many new players probably don’t want to play the game and for good reason to… The tutorial gives literally no information about how the game works and if you don’t find out about discords, the endgame dungeons are basically impossible to complete. People aren’t entertained at slowly clearly realms by themselves. Part of the fun of it in the past was screwing around with other people, something that doesn’t happen anymore outside of discords.


True and fact

Sadly, I don’t know if there’s even a way to salvage what’s left of the realm experience. DECA’s insistence on catering to things that actively undermine said experience have made the position of fixing the game much harder than what it was back in 2016 and at this point its kinda boring to watch. Same mistakes made over and over again, and belly aching over bad decisions and poor development choices either ignored or minor changes with no real fix.

And to expand on my point about “raid” checkpoints:

The purpose checkpoints in “raids” would to be counteract the disjointed risk factor for public runs in the realm. For example, if a pug of 30 people for shatters spends like an hour getting to the archmage, but either all die or nexus. No problem, with these checkpoints that 30 man pug can just get back at that checkpoint, losing no progress and not having to do the previous encounters over again. This would encourage people to keep trying and work with each other. Imo it wouldn’t be a good idea to carry this type of system over to keyed dungeons, as that would be a mess and a half.

It does take some risk out of it, but that doesn’t necessarily ruin the point. The whole reason why we’re here in the first place is because of this risk factor associated with endgame content. Shit just takes too long for pub groups, and doesn’t have the safety nets that a discord group has (ie large amounts of players, organized runs, and consistent rewards).

While I like challenge and some amount of risk, I also want approachable content that respects my time, a lot of content in the game currently doesn’t do the latter, and thus fails to do the former. Why else would people be joining raid discords.


This is what hurts, honestly. I’ve tried to give DECA the benefit of the doubt (for most things; there’s a couple of inexcusable instances) for a long time, I really have. Even now I cling to some of that, but I’ve got to wonder what on earth is going on behind those closed doors sometimes. I know that there’s newer devs coming in, and some of the old ones gone, and I can even accept some programming oversights (although… testing seems to be a mess on more than one level, heh), but there’s just some repeated blunders that quickly become upsetting after having to deal with them for as long as we have.

Whispers menacingly: Elder Realms is a cool idea that needs some mild polishing, guys! There’s a bigger “baddie” than Oryx and ties so much of the current lore nonsense together


I think I sort of understand. Making public dungeons easier means nerfing private keys, which I think we’re all in for, but it probably wouldn’t have such a big positive effect you expect, because it’s still sort of a subtle change and doesn’t change discord key grind meta. It’s still depressing to play in big realms with only 10 people.


Realm shouldn’t have left the browser.


Nah… leaving the browser was necessary cause flashplayer was being removed. Plus it truly did reduce the amount of lag significantly and added several nice features


unity has browser support, even easier for a 2D game, i dont understand to this day why they killed browser.

its like a huge thing to get new players easier


Exalts should reset when your character dies



That’s the exact opposite of what exalts are for.


I’d be down for that but they’d need to SEVERELY change the amount of dungeons required to get exalts; doing 600 dungeons on one character sounds dreadful


How should they handle the excessive amount of Exalts though?


DECA intended for exalts to make endgame players continue grinding the game, not as actual progression for all of the playerbase. If exalts were made easier, then hundreds of players that are DECA’s income for money would quit the game after they exalted all of their classes, since there’s literally nothing else to do. The other outcome would be that DECA would have to release poorly implemented content frequently on top of events, which is much worse than where we are now.

Of course, DECA shot themselves in the foot with the forge system that removed any incentive to grind certain dungeons, but they don’t need to shoot themselves more than they already have.


Probably not that unpopular, but adding this to the campaign was a terrible idea.


Incredibly popular because its not an opinion its a fact


There should be a forge for STs and STs that drop outside of exalt dungeons should be tradeable


UTs and STs should not be tradable nor forgable :slight_smile:


Half that is already true. Most ST’s are soulbound, with only really old stuff like Mystic Phylactery Set or Priest Geb Set being tradable. Similar thing with UT’s, only early-midgame UT’s are tradable. As for forge, it’s supposed to be a pity system for players who struggle to get UT’s, although I do admit it is kind of broken if you have a lot of UT’s to use, but those players just need to touch grass.


This has been a “make an opinion, then receive counterpoints” thread for a long while. When will we witness the return unpopular opinions again without the nagging for them being illogical or, well, unpopular?


i feel like this thread is about making an unpopular opinion and defending that opinion