Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


but if it was any slower, it wouldn’t be playable with permadeath, which is the kinda of the fundamental concept of the game


fast paced is the heart of realm, I can get 6/8 in a couple of days with a bit of effort, but I can die and lose all that just as easily. Permadeath and fast paced gameplay are the heart of realm, you can’t take that away.


I’m actually good at the game, and lh was a mistake


This made my day, mate :sweat_smile:
Still trying to get my second void white, haha


still trying to max a chars dex so i can run halls without getting a phat 2 day sus.


Amulets as they existed when you could buy them for 11,500 fame were finely balanced. As was the economy back then, with unsoulbound items.

Instead of grinding dungeons over and over and over again, players could trade their white bags and the game was a lot more fun to play, unburdened by the greed players today express. It was more of a team based game, before pets, before the soulbounding of items, before build 4.

If I wanted a doom bow today, I would have to do a udl, on average, 100 times. And if you’re unlucky like me, I once had to do 647 udls before I got one. But back then, you could play the game, save up your life, buy items, trade in your plane walkers or incs, and after some time, get that doom bow. The economy was a lot healthier than it is now.

But all things must come to an end. Duping, ruined it all. Faced with a decision, Kabam decided it was better to make items soulbound, rather than fixing the duplications. They decided it was better to fundamentally change one of the core items in the game, than fixing the duplications. And the last nail in the coffin, they made the game P2W with selling items in the nexus, and pets.

And now, these days, we have the same issues. Instead of ammies, decas are now the hot thing to duplicate en mass. Entire illicit businesses operate on the same issues that plagued the game earlier. But because Kabam decided that it wasn’t their problem to fix, the issue of duping has been buried in heaps of spaghetti code over the years. Deca has certainly attempted to fix this, but the issue runs deeper than fixing one or two exploits.

Did you actually play back then? Do you remember when you could wear two rings? When tombs were released? When you could 6/6 characters, and the nexus looked like this?

I have played this game since I discovered it in 2010. I have done thousands upon thousands of snake pits, and I have never had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon a bulwark, an items that is my most sought after item. I have even gotten the mini-stheno skin, but no dice on the elusive whitebag.

When Rob, Alex, and Amit created this game, they did not intend this game to be such a grind fest. That loot was purely RNG based.

They made a game that encouraged cooperation on a massive scale, and motivated players to become the best they could strive for. They built the community from the ground up, from the TIGSource forums, to the old forums, from jokes about the Dirk, to frequent, quality updates.

I’m not saying that we should unsoulbound all UTs now, or reintroduce amulets back into the game. The damage that has occured to the game is almost unrepairable. As you play, know that there are thousands upon thousands of illicit accounts with duped items, and teams of individuals that directly control the ingame economy. That we’ve come to embrace and hold on to pets, and that the sunk cost fallacy of pet leveling sometimes KEEPS us playing.

This is more of a lament.

Kabam didn’t just ‘make some mistakes’. They killed the game that Wild Shadow Studios birthed.

The DECA (Ring of Decades not the company) Problem

I still can’t figure how Deca still didn’t remove old old and old tops from the nexus. Tbh, any player can pretty much get 1 for 1 dex or for free by asking someone :sweat_smile:

As for the rest of the text::clap:


Ah, players begging for items have existed since the chat feature was introduced. Though, the economy was vastly different back then (Relatively speaking, not actually when chat was introduced in 2010, there was no economy). You could farm and reliably sell lower tier items for potions, as seen here:
Price Guide from 2013

While Deca has made strides since Kabam sold the game, understand that some parts of the Deca team worked for Kabam, and have been influenced by the respective past owner. While Deca is their own separate entity, much of the ideology still lingers on certain business models or moral grounds.


I don’t like the Unity art style…
I’m too used to the current ones we have


lol was this flagged for profanity


its because of the homophobic stuff


Lots of veteran players don’t really enjoy the game anywhere near as much anymore, they’re just addicted and this is the go to game




Thanks for exposing me…


yep :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Warrior is brain dead and boring


probably been said multitudes of times but theres too many ST sets, to the point where im seeing items that have apparently been in the game for a very long time, for the very first time :confused:


Lots of veteran players don’t really enjoy the game anywhere near as much anymore, they’re just addicted and this is the go to game


Deca should have never bought Realm and freed us all from this walking corpse of a game.


Realm reminds me a LOT about the sunken cost fallacy, even if Realm itself isn’t an example of said fallacy


Necromancer is the best class