Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


Thanks for exposing me…


yep :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Warrior is brain dead and boring


probably been said multitudes of times but theres too many ST sets, to the point where im seeing items that have apparently been in the game for a very long time, for the very first time :confused:


Lots of veteran players don’t really enjoy the game anywhere near as much anymore, they’re just addicted and this is the go to game


Deca should have never bought Realm and freed us all from this walking corpse of a game.


Realm reminds me a LOT about the sunken cost fallacy, even if Realm itself isn’t an example of said fallacy


Necromancer is the best class


deca is better than kabam

*cough golden archer *cough


I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m busy trying to make sure all this time I invested doesn’t go to waste.
not really


I think Deca being better than Kabam should be common sense (I hope :sweat_smile:).
Kabam was a joke (and I’m kinda sad I started playing the game right in the month after kabam took the game, back in 2012. Hoped I could have enjoyed the game during Wild ShadowStudioss).

Also, although I criticized Deca, during month of july, Deca will always be the best owner of the game and will be the Company making the biggest volt face in this game’s history, with the unity port. And I still hope that other copycats gets sued by Deca Games (those people pretty much stole the entirity of a game design…)
So Deca f2w.


oh lol my friend gave me his acc after he quit but he changed the password so his little brother could play, so I created this one


account sharing wha???


Mystic is a very fun class in the hands of the right player.


it’s not on this account, so techinically i can’t get banned :thinking:

  • Melees are overpowered and need some rebalancing.
  • PPE is a horrible trend that needs to die out. It’s basically just flexing your pet.
  • All dungeons (except oryx, obviously) should have a 30 player cap.
  • The nest rework was an overkill, just adding hp scaling and a better drop table should have been enough.
  • Killer bee nest and avatar should be completely optional encounters.
  • The void should be harder to access and more difficult to complete.
  • Shatters are the worst designed dungeon in the game and need a complete rework.
  • There are not enough midland dungeons in the game.


agree wiht midland dungeons thing, i don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion tho


I know it’s not controversial, the subject is just rarely talked about. People usually ignore that part of the game. New endgame content is cool and all that, but early game also needs some love and attention from the devs.


If you added HP Scaling on top of the enemies’ weird frequent invulnerability/invincibility phases, it’d take much longer to complete.

Additionally, I don’t think having a clumped, 720-damage AP shotgun is fun to fight against when there’s 2 types of Confuse bullets flying your way, both having different durations.
There were more problems than just HP Scaling and loot.


The original nest had many flaws and the reworked one is objectively better, I don’t disagree with that. It just lacks the constant sense of dread and danger the older iteration had.

Every old nest run felt like an adventure, getting a good group and successfully completing the dungeon was a rare experience. Now, since it’s way safer and there’s an actual reason to run nests (because of good loot), successful runs are way more common, even public ones get completed occasionally. It’s obviously a good thing, but the nest lost a bit of its “magic” because of this.

(so, basically, “I like it more when it sucked” complaint)


If it’s any consolaton…
image <-- These fellas are still mostly the same with their Rage phase.