Projectiles [are wrong when using Sunflower Archer skin]


So uh

Why are the projectiles different to the regular t11 reskin projectiles??

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!
X.31.4.0 Release Candidate

It appears to be a bug that’s only happening to a select few, projectiles change to that after they enter the dungeon/change maps.


[Moved :arrow_right_hook: to #game-discussion:bugs.]

Edit: and from the below comments, I’ve edited the title [explainer text] to more accurate.
From: [Frost Bow has wrong projectiles], to: [are wrong when using Sunflower Archer skin]


it’s a problem with that skin specifically btw, not the actual bow. any bow used by that skin has those projectiles until they switch out to a different bow.


Being the Sunflower Archer?


That’s so interesting. I’ve had the sunflower archer for ages and never noticed. I’ll try later.


Weird. I’ve not played on my Archer for a while - will check if this truly is the case.
A bizzarre bug for sure…


It’s happening because of the Sunflower Archer skin, and so every bow will have those “Sadamune” projectiles.

When you switch an area the bug appears. (I already reported that to deca)

I posted it 17 hours ago on reddit:


the bug appeared with this most recent patch, you never noticed it before because it didn’t exist before.


pretty wierd bug, tried it out on some different weapons and they all looked odd, especially clover bow.


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