PT: Challenger Mode #2


I’m guessing kidd didn’t actually get that to happen in the way you would think. instead, I would assume he set up some backwards way doing that like having O2’s fame distributed by a helper object that gets spawned upon his death and then kills itself to distribute fame. if that’s the case, then it’ll be sent to whoever’s closest and then distributed like normal. adding a workaround like that for every single enemy (or even just all the bosses) would be a massive undertaking and would make everything even sloppier on the backend then it is already. actually getting fame/xp to distribute in a way that makes sense is a more fundamental issue that can’t be addressed atm afaik.


I expect challenger mode will be ruined once the clients get released and the hackers start rushing dungeons and the legit players can’t get near events…


Bug with pet yard cant upgrade
Cant upgrade for coins

Cant upgrade for fame – 0
Cant upgrade for fame – >0
I didnt play on testing before.
sry for my eng.


Got to 800 Fame 6/8 this time around not going to be able to participate in the rest of it as I’m not going to be home for the rest of the weekend but I once again enjoy myself basically all the same bugs are still there which is a bit annoying

I hope greater potions are thing that stick with Seasons as it feels much more rewarding it’s still a grind but it doesn’t become a tedious grind

That’s all for now good luck on the leaderboards


This is actually such a great thing, it’s likely to do with the fact we’re so used to maxing taking up a certain amount of time that anything else (especially ~1/2 less time) feels great. Rumour has it it’s coming to prod real soon, hope to see everyone there owo

Also nice to see some familiar names on the leaderboards, some Japanese players this time and old names I haven’t seen in a while ;D


highlight of this season



Weird, maybe another visual bug? I died on purpose, had a red text under the fame i gained saying “You can create 3 more characters”, went back to the menu, i can create 4 more.

Also edit: Seems like that happened on just my first death.


Also deca, pls fix.


please god don’t let keys be purchasable


Had a lot of fun with challenger again, but man I’ll be disappointed if keys end up being purchasable in the game mode on prod. Every other purchasable nexus item is fine honestly but I think keys would truly ruin it.


things I noticed during the second season:

  • pet food was abundant. maxed my pet easily without getting an uncommon egg in shorter time than in the previous season. didn’t get any uncommon eggs. perhaps their drop rate was lowered.
  • tiered rings felt a bit too rare too, especially exalted rings. I got one usable (def/hp) from the last O2 I did, but that’s all. fame-wise that means 2k base to get the first usable exa ring, and about 500 base to get a useful paramount ring (got 3hps,1def)
  • O2 doesn’t always go back to the center when the dance phase starts. if he does go back to the center after the dance phase, he’ll pull the anti-spectators on people inside the circle, which can easily kill a robe class with unmaxed hp (very common in this mode).
  • there were weird high jitter issues (200+ netjitter) throughout Saturday and Sunday. it seemed as though it was per connection: entered a portal and it went away - entered another and it came back again. jitter mostly stayed the same throughout a connection, so if you were unlucky, you had to do O2 with high jitter. it happened in the nexus and the realm as well. didn’t try any other servers. the issue was not present on prod. mtr showed negligible packet loss (<1%) to the server’s ip address.


lmfao when you try to act smart but you have no idea what ur talking about.

packet loss is not possible in TCP which is the protocol that rotmg uses.


I guess I’ll keep on acting smart:


People seem to be very adamantly against keys, but I doubt they’re gonna be fully removed. I think a good compromise would be to set a max on how many keys you can buy per season, maybe a max of 5 Tomb/Trench, and 10 of any other keys. Really love this mode though, cant wait for it to hit prod.


The exp was lowered further from tomb and ot (10k to 4k for each tomb boss, 15k to 10k for thessal). And then the exp of events was increased and every set piece is 4k as well.

Good fix? Nah


This seems like a good idea, except the pet part. I don’t like the pet part because it takes a shitload of RNG just to get a good pet with heal/mheal/???. I thought this would be a pre-kabam mode.


I agree with the limitations on key purchasing. I don’t know where exactly the line should be drawn, but some sort of limitation should probably be in place. Given Discord servers are probably going to organize key pops en-masse, the limit doesn’t need to be very high either.
They can surely scrounge together enough players to each contribute a bit to the key pool, and if anything that’s at least more “well Realm is a co-op game” encouraging than having like 3 whales or something hard carry an entire server.


Thing is that’s what’s going to happen if keys are available to be bought


Yep. If there is a limit on key purchases, then whales can only fund so much for whichever Discord server they’re popping for (though they could still make mules or something to bypass it, but given they have to actually play on each one for a bit to make it eligible for challenger it probably wouldn’t be worth the time to attempt for most).

Ideally, there’d be no key purchases whatsoever. But if Deca insists on putting in keys, then I insist they put in a limit on key purchases to at least lessen the damage.