PT: Cursed Library release


afaik nothing seems wrong with the library
im glad its coming soon, was looking forward to it quite a bit :smiley:

and thanks to you for making it


The boss is like 5 times easier on a ranged character than it is on a melee.

Also no proper equipment for testing again?


Lol I use priest and it took like 5 min to solo the boss


It says tomorrow’s update, so I guess it will be updated tomorrow.


Why are they posted twice?

A reason to do Davy’s!


Are the eggs. It dropping live or in testing?


I like the quiver and the bow really only


LETS GO finnalyy a Huge update what took u guyys so long I tested this dungeon like a month ago

also when is lod rework comming why is it taking so long


Dunno probably still working on minor bugs.


nice, a new dungeon coming out soon


just cleared the boss and troom and it’s still a pretty good dungeon.

edit: nvm I saw it now.


forgot to mention this last time but yea



I got a nasty shock when I deleted my pregeared archer and tried to make a necro lol. I guess the dungeon works tho


Uh should we get gear when we start a new class so we can actually do the dungeon?
Oh and maybe one more fame box? :smiley:


yes please gib 50k more fame


The dungeon looks very nice, I’ll try ehm if see ehm. Too bad eggs won’t drop anymore… Couldn’t get a single item. (Some of us have to work…) I’d hope token events weren’t so damn grindy…


PT is closed. Thanks for your participation.


That’s kinda the point


Dang, that was a short PT.
I guess the release will be soon, eh? 0u0


The update is live in the main game now: Patch X.31.7.0 [The Cursed Library] Notes