PT: Fungal Cavern


Anyone can help me on this? Very strange to me


can anyone share me the testing flash player link?


its pinned in the discord


I would prefer for more dungeons that have a different goal or a different way of doing it. For example, Abyss is supposed to be long and stuff, but instead people just rush it and it takes like 5 seconds. Since this is happening, I think that the boss should not spawn until all the enemies are killed or all of the rooms are found (something like that). Another example would be shatters. I did like 50+ shatts for the event and with a large group of people, it is a breeze. The way of doing it should also be different (they could also make it so there is a heroic of every dungeon and heroics have a limit of like 25 people and no pets. This also means that Deca would have to decrease the drop rate of whites and make the drop rates of white bags in heroics higher).

ive been playing for like less than 3 months and i have ice crown already wtf


Rushing is a part of the game. Without it rogue would be useless and other classes would be less used. Not to mention it is much more dangerous to rush than to clear an abyss, even on an 8/8 knight.
As for player limits, there actually are player limits on everything but you can bypass them by entering at the same time as other people
Heroic everything would be awfully hard for certain dungeons. Not to mention it wouldnt work for a dungeon like LH where you have one main dungeon with two side dungeons.


A few thoughts:

-I can’t believe you recreated both the ice caves leech pad and the ice sphere
-The boss might seems hard at first glance, but since it does almost no status effects, its most likely just going to be a test of how much the group can heal
-Unless its very rewarding, this will most likely become just another dungeon that almost nobody does when there is no event or the new lost halls that everybody does with a giant discord group


Petless solo.
Imma be here praying this thing drops a leather armor or a new dagger so that i have a purpose for running it
Boss starts at 4:54

@KiddF can we have the yellow shots from the boss’s 3rd to final phase revisioned ? they are soo annoying. also small purple mushrooms are overpowered as hell compared to the rest


TL;DR: it’s easier than shatts/nest, likely because it can only be done on 8/8’s; dwarf miner is wierd as an enemy.

The dungeon seems to be not quite the level of a shatts/nest. To me, it feels much closer to a tomb/trench, this could simply be because it’s only possible to try on 8/8’s with WC tops, but it seems easier than shatts.
I love the design, and if we’re going to give feedback for the encounter also, I would like to say that making the dwarf miner a quest enemy seems to not fit what he’s supposed to be based on his interactions with players. He seems to be more like a Guil, or nexus shop dude. Making him count as a quest, there should be an actual fight with him - or make the boss itself count as aquest.


PT is once again open, changelog has also been updated!


I was only giving random examples.
But I do get what you are saying.
I just don’t like the super quick grinding aspect of the game.
Although I do prefer the game to be faster, I don’t like how it is super easy to get loot (you see people with good loot everywhere), and i don’t like how it is super easy to finish dungeons.
After all, they are dungeons.
What I am mainly trying to get at here is that every dungeon should be unique (except low level dungeons like forest maze, sprite world, snake pit, etc.). This way, it wouldn’t be as easy to progress through the game.


I just got Ogmur from the encounter. Is that a placeholder or will that also drop in prod?


The damage on the encounter is a bit too high, seeing as it is spawning in realm, it should be in line with other event damage. This is currently high bullet amount and high damage, making it essentially end-game material but in the realm itself.
Would also like to add that the spawn of the Brown capped mushrooms near the end is insane, make it spawn more often for more players, as even with just 1 player, those mushrooms make it nearly impossible without a decent pet.


Hum. If you are playing with melee,the encounter is not hell, but gets close, tbh. I think the damage from minions and the way they follow and attack you (purple, grey, blue, green and yellow mushrooms) should be nerfed a lot. It’s too unforgiving for a permadeath game. Too many insta pops. It’s unbalanced.


Guys why do i have a death skin on testing, it’s exactly like my old account


Instakills are pretty stupid, there’s other ways to kill maxed divine users…


Please please please please PLEASE nerf Mushroom Berserker.
It is not fair. It charges at you and IS LITERALLY DESIGNED TO POP YOU MORE EFFICIENTLY THAN AN ICE SPHERE. I don’t care that it has lower hp. At least Ice Spheres give you fair warning and only charge once. Mushroom Berserkers charge at you, give you an unavoidable instapop, and do it many times with like a split second margin in between each pop.

(also, good job on recreating leechpad)


PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHY. I’m getting a bit tired of being ignored


Major bug here! The world cannot function properly unless this is fixed. This is so gamebreaking that you need to spend hours to fix this, otherwise we are all doomed!


idk mayb old testing was like this


oh noes why does the game have random blue line things on the screen
deca pls help