Public Testing Status: Closed


Ice Caves are fucking great when you compare them to Ocean Trenches… They’re more eventful (1-2 draggers in 90% of the ones I do, and that means someone for me to piss off when I kill off their drag before they get to the leech pad, it’s like a minigame). There’s always a decent amount of people helping too. Unlike OT where you often get severely punished if you try to help rush. It just isn’t worth it. OT is just gambling where the only payment is waiting a few seconds for a rusher. Sure the boss fight is a million times better than before but still so lame to do in pubs.

Even though Deadwaters are similar, at least the group feels helpful destroying the wall (which honestly I hate. Should be able to solo the dungeon on any class. DPS walls are bad. BAD). Unfortunately I have no clue how to “fix” OT and I haven’t heard a good idea. :[

Back on topic, polish and balancing? Sounds good. I hope the Friend’s List click area has been cropped to not affect map. I hope they finally address colored Locked Players not being ridiculously similar (Experimental setting). Both yellow, the difference is not even noticeable on my monitor.

Magic Woods? I’m interested to see the difference from the first PT and I hope this time we’ll be able to access it more than 33% of the PT. I didn’t get to test it enough imo (I missed the first day). HP scaling on what?


Too much rotmg IGN impersonation in testing, a few minutes after testing was opened mine was already taken, that’s hold also for many other player, testing is not for me until it’s fixed.

I know rotmg and testing user DB are separate but what about not accepting an IGN change if it’s in use in rotmg and the mail isn’t identical? Not possible to implement if user DB has no index on IGN ;(


Identity isn’t really that important on public testing since it’s only open in short bursts and the majority of people you’re seeing and interacting with are total strangers. If it’s that important, try using a slight variance of your normal IGN that’s still recognizable.


Make your name NotKrak it’s funny and you don’t loose too much I tried doing just Arc and I can’t remember if that worked but yeah cool


why is servers admin-only?


Read Krathan’s post, testing is closed to regular players right now.


“regular” players?


Yes, like you or me. Guys like Krathan or Silex (both of who are DECA employees) are the only ones who can access it.


he said 27 feb will be back its 27 feb


Wait for them to say that testing is open then I guess


oh ok ty




It’s open!

It does now!

Yep, should be fixed now.

Been meaning to fix this for a while, just need to figure out which colors work best.






Gotta love the ones spamming Magic Wood keys at nexus


That would be bookbookbo, leapurchuan


how to get ice cave keys?


Nuuu don’t expose book!


The plague nerf is pretty unnecessary to be honest, I highly doubt those changes would’ve turned it into an OP abiliity especially regarding its rarity and the buffs that the other poisons received