Quick Hotkey QoL


A very simple idea. Press the hotkey and item is equipped. Just a little proposal to save some time ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Good thread to read


I would love that, swapping out items mid battle would actually become effective.


one HUGE problem, the ability to switch weapons using hotkey = the ability to use 2 weapons at once, better have a cooldown


Lot of obvious hackers whining but one person had some decent thoughts on the matter and krathan

I agree it certainly would be useful, but like they said it’s exactly an obvious Qol change like allowing you to see what your dyes will look like on your character before you put them on

If they do implement it needs to be given consideration what all it be changing about the game, some people don’t think about all the consequences because they have been using a hacked client for so long


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