Ready for a challenging warm-up?


click the challenger mode button with the non statue oryx


oh nvm i just realised it starts at midnight (for me)


same here

edit: Reinstalled, didn’t help


wait da warn up is not here yet ? i play on steam too


Wow, Deca has been busy!


read it it says 12:00 UTC just search utc = (whatever your time zone is)
and it’ll come up


It’s not bad. It’s not good, but it’s not bad. Will there be more servers than just CAsiaSouthEast?


Why can people access it while i can’t ?


Wasn’t expecting it but deca has finally delivered with some good content and rewards. Props to deca after months of disappointment.




It’s too much!


Different time zones.


The top 20 leaderboard isn’t working

The texts for the nexustutorial are wrong

Star filter should be based on legacy stars

Also keys are still sold for 99 gold :face_vomiting:


Additionally, doesn’t seem like it’s really allowing me in…it does say the season is ‘active’, yet it won’t let me enter!

Edit: It does seem to work on Flash, not so much on Steam…weird.


steam does not work


Glitch still exists where feeding your pet will give you your legacy account fame.


Darn it, fix steam


You know how in Challenger Mode anything you drop can only drop items in SB bags?
I found a loophole:

As the picture shows, if you place something in a brown bag, it can be taken out by someone else
(I didn’t try this with any eggs, but I’m sure it works with common ones).

I am posting it here so that someone from DECA can see and fix this before the upcoming challenge. Wouldn’t want it to be ruined by something like this.


ok I’m kinda annoyed stars don’t carry over



that alignment lol


Star rank icon from Challenger Mode misaligns the chat