Really low / nonexistant necro ST [drop rate]


I’ve gotten 2 sets

2 staffs
5 robes
2 skulls
2 rings (only 1 from gking, other from an event)

You just have bad luck unfortunately


In this case and based on the replies of others I am more willing to believe that you just have good luck.


Between when the items came in (Oct 2017, so 10 months back) and now:

I looted 6 rings from the GK before a skull dropped last month. Doing basically every GK quest I saw, and also passively looking for GKs when in and around godlands before their quest started, & staying and killing them. Couldn’t guess how many hundreds I’ve fought.

In that time from doing I guess only an average amount of UDLs - I don’t farm dbow or wis, but I do the Septavius daily quest whenever I get it - I’ve had 1 staff and 2 robes.
4x dbows in that time plus 1x from an event chest I think, for comparison.

In summary, yes ST drop rates are abysmal. I really would not recommend deliberately grinding for them, seems better to allow them to accumulate while you do other things. Don’t turn down a GK if it’s there, but it doesn’t seem fun to be every day trying to find realms on GK, waiting for the TP cooldown etc to farm them.

Same is true for the other STs, well the warrior ST at least - that’s the only other one I’ve been surprised at still not having got - released in Dec 2016, despite doing virtually every Lod I see, and getting multiples of every whitebag in there, still haven’t got the complete set. Gotta sell them ST mystery boxes somehow, I guess!


ive been grinding for the toga. ive gotten 3 staves, where as 0 togas. even got a staff on a level 17 necro ppe. died 10 minutes later :confused:


Sucks. I have 1 atm. :stuck_out_tongue:


i dont mind not having any togas, since i got enough robes from this event alone.


Didn’t realize u left the guild. (Off topic, sorry)


My guesses for ST’s in general:
Ring: 1/250
Armor: 1/500
Ability and weapon: 1/1000

I’ve got 2 rings and 1 skull, no staff or toga ever, probably 3-5 dbows in that time.

I see the purpose of ST’s as twofold: to sell mystery boxes, and to give players who already have everything else in the game something to do.


You mean… *ahem* UTs in disguise?


I’ve gotten 3 rings, 1 skull, and 0 robes or staves. my udl luck is pretty bad


I did countless udls dude


I would say jugg and ogmur is 1/400 AT THE LEAST.


Yeah I can believe that the drop rate of the st items are 1/350 or something retarded like that.

If (almost) everybody has had the same awful time w/ trying to get the set then I guess I won’t worry about it and just get the pieces as I come across them. Who knows? Maybe this time next year I’ll at least have the ring and staff, but we’ll see.


I did less than 15 ghost kings and got a ring, and i got a staff when i was farming for a wis (i did less than 30 of those after it came out). I feel like they arent that rare


Those are UT, not ST. We are talking about ST.


I made 60+ ghost knights and I got skull and ring
I made 300 udl and I got 2 robes
(And I died)


Yeah the rates are pretty low. Probably because there are a bunch of ghost kings per realm, and udl’s are common. I’ve done more than I would like to admit, and I’ve gotten 2 skulls, 3 robes but not a single fucking staff or ring.


But I would still say they are 1/400 at the LEAST.


For me the UDL drops like crazy but Ghost King’s ST’s for me seem to drop really low. Currently I’ve gotten 3 Toga’s and 2 Staves but all I really want is that sweet sweet doombow. ( )

I haven’t gotten anything from Ghost King though but I only occasionally kill him.


I got the staff on my ~50th UDL but I wasnt farming for it.
My guess is that the more you want an item badly, the less it drops because you become aware that you are farming and it becomes tedious.
But yes, it really is quite rare.