Realmafia - The Signups


If we do another round at some point in the future, of course. Each game will be independent from the last, with fresh signups and probably balance changes too, depending on how this one goes. I don’t think we’ll have more than two factions since that tends to complicate things more than I like, but there are plenty of other classic civilian and mafia roles that may be added. Time will tell, though.


:thinking: image


I like the niegil pic


Nuuuuuuuu, I wanna play :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


Hey @Idragonet, your RealmEye profile is private, which means I can’t send you messages. Could you make your profile visible, or at least make it so friends can view it and then add me as a friend? Once that’s done, I’ll get all the role messages sent out and post the thread so that the game may begin!


hello “friend”


Who sent me an email called Doge is Aluve request access to the document

It was either @Toastrz or @Idragonet


me lol


I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Player role messages haven’t been sent out yet, if that’s what you’re talking about.




Like a legitimate email wanting access to edit my role suggestions


Oh, in Google Docs. I understand. Role messages are in the works!


@EpicNecros As I was putting everything together, I realized I’m not able to send messages to you either. Could you enable that permission?

Edit: Same for you, @Tero.




@Toastrz when does the game begin?


It has!


Going to bump this as the other round is about to end and I want to be the bumper of this thread


I’m not going to reuse this thread, nor am I going to kick off another round immediately after the first one ends.


It’s almost been 3 weeks, where is next realmafia? :thinking:


Did you read the post? We’re already in the middle of it, it’s been going for a week now.