Realmeye Dark Mode


Hey, I have been thinking about this for awhile and am sure it has been suggested before but if we could get a dark mode option for Realmeye that would be great.


Yes, I would love this too. Using RealmEye at 3 AM burns my eyes, especially while using a dark theme for chrome. (I know most people sleep like normal people and don’t use RealmEye at 3AM but still :v)


If you’re talking about the Realmeye forums, there’s already the option to do this.

If you weren’t talking about the forums there’s the option to do it manually.

A user made a short guide you can view here on how to do it for Chrome.
I’m sure there’s ways to do it for other browsers too if ya look around.

I wouldn’t mind an actual dark mode for Realmeye though. Saves from the trouble of figuring it out on your own.


you know, it always puzzled me why people are fine with RE lightmode but immediately hate on users of discord light mode (like me).
now i see that some don’t want RE lightmode.


Discord light mode is brighter than RE light mode, and RE dark mode is darker than Discord dark mode. That might have something to do with it.


oh maybe


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