Recruiting for IFapToAnimeGirls


IFapToAnimeGirls (Yes that’s the guild name)
The guild is mostly a casual guild but I would like people that are atleast decent at the game


  • Be somewhat active I understand that people have other things to do than to play a pixel game all day everday so If there are moments when you just can’t play simply just get the daily rewards every day
  • English only
  • Be able to do the exaltation dungeons somewhat consistently (excluding new shatters because I still suck at them)

How to apply:
Preferably message me on discord (AlanB#4086) And I will tell you when I can get on to invite you we also have a guild discord server but currently It’s really dead only being used for voice chat when doing guild runs basically.

Have a nice day! <3




deep and relatable


i fap to anime girls


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