Recruiting for Natters [EuWest]


Recruiting for Natters :slight_smile:
New semi noob friendly guild, looking for new peeps.
We currently dont have much going on in terms of dungeon hosting and so on. But our futher plans include that and much more. Currently we are just looking for a solid group of members :slight_smile:

Requirements dont worry we only have a few.
-Discord just makes things easier.

  • Language. English only please.
  • You must be atleast 1/8 or able to max 1/8.
  • Skills: Be able to complete most basic dungeons. and doing Shatters would also be nice but not something you must :slight_smile:
  • Time zone: We all live in different places but as long as you live in europe we should be good :slight_smile:

If you feel like joining us in this brand new guild then feel free to contact me on discord:
GenerousOP#0825 or add me in realm FatherKush.






[internal screaming]




Double triangle


Draw another line … 4 triangles


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