~ Recruitment for Solarex (ASE/AE) ~

  1. You guys look like a big friendly guild
  2. 6-7/10 i have been to most of them a few times
  3. +5 main warrior, knight, huntress
  4. fresh character
  5. yes
  6. yes
  7. Its bad, i never hack
  8. nope


Accepted, PM an officer/leader for an invite.


You just didn’t meet enough of the reqs, sorry man.




I like this guild.


I like your guild


1. Why have you chosen Solarex?
Looking for chill guild to play with, alone sux. I can pop keys sometimes, be a part of decent guild which has passionate players, simply have fun.
2. Rate (1-10) or describe your experience in end-game dungeons (Shatts, Tombs, Lost Halls, etc.)
i did mostly pubilc endgame dungeons but i feel like, shatt 7 tomb 7halls 5
3. How many maxed characters (6/8 - 8/8) do you have; which classes are they?
3x8/8 (wizzy,pally,rogue) 4/8 archer planning to max him soon,
4. What is your current total alive fame?
3 313
5. Are you able (or will you be able) to uphold the guild requirements on a monthly basis?
easily, i can rebuild quickly
6. Are you comfortable joining discord voice chat (just listening is fine)?
7. What is your opinion on hacking?
it’s not fair and i hate it but these are easily available for many players… and they don’t give a s about it
8. Anything you would like to add?
mmm, i love this game :smiley: https://www.realmeye.com/player/DrScourge


Run while you still can … I mean this is high quality guild!

In all seriousness founder is a nice guy, its a friendly guild and you should enjoy you stay there if accepted.


haha, ok will do ^^


@AdisonD pull up


Accepted <33, PM Officer/Leader for an invite!


pull up maaa

  1. Why have you chosen Solarex? Im back from a hiatus looks like a kick ass guild
  2. Rate (1-10) or describe your experience in end-game dungeons (Shatts, Tombs, Lost Halls, etc.) i have extensively done all but Lost Halls
  3. How many maxed characters (6/8 - 8/8) do you have; which classes are they? 2 6/8s wizard and rouge both almost max life
  4. What is your current total alive fame? Over 3k that is for sure but I don’t know which fame multipliers i have so i would guess ball park 4k
  5. Are you able (or will you be able) to uphold the guild requirements on a monthly basis? yeah im really addicted still playing after 4 years
  6. Are you comfortable joining discord voice chat (just listening is fine)? Yeah ofc
  7. What is your opinion on hacking? Makes the game unfun and completely drains out the fun of it all.
  8. Anything you would like to add? heres hoping that i get in!?


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