Regarding servers going down [anointed megathread]


Do we know that they’re using a botnet DDos? Is it possible for them to be doing something else? I’m pretty fluent with languages and I would consider myself knowledgeable on the subject of networking, and I don’t doubt that it is something along the lines of DDos, but is there any other possibility? I’m not sure if it’s possible, but could they have modded the normal clients to cause servers to crash when x amount of people get on?


The only thing that would be able to take rotmg servers down is a botnet/DDoS tool. Kabam made it flaw-proof after SwatSecOne.




Servers are starting to come back up.


I remember the SwatSecOne attack. What exactly did Kabam do? I never heard of them doing anything other than banning the IP that SwatSecAttack from (which could easily be changed) and rolling back the server.

Edit: USW3 has been online for about half an hour, I think it’s safe


They released patches to upgrade security of exploits such as the one that he used to give himself admin and spawn in everything he spawned in. and the IP ban prevented his connections, though he is probably still playing and used a proxy to make a new account and such. Or maybe he moved.


I’d bet he used a proxy. I’m glad Kabam if nothing else increased security by decreasing exploits. I doubt he moved just to keep playing realm xD


USEAST2 is online




USW3 just went down for me as well.


is it just usw3 down? or have others crashed as well


I’m sure it’s more, but I got that disconnection bug and can’t check. Have to wait 10 minutes.


Does anyone know why this is being done? Or have any more information at all?


LolgotHakd is basically playing a game. For attention mostly. But he requested items, not rare stuff just stuff like gumballs and oryx wines. And let players vote. 11 players got to vote. 6 voted crash the game 5 voted save the game. So now he’s just DDoSing the game.


As far as I can tell he is holding the servers for ransom. He opens them, tells people to give him items, and then if they don’t he closes the servers again. Also, I think he’s a bit salty.


So essentially he’s some twelve year old who bought items and died with them and happens to be a rich asshole who can afford to do this kind of thing?




So I haven’t been able to work on my knight all day because of THAT. How petty.


Some servers are still up. I’m on US something and it’s working.


He’s not requesting overpowered or good items… He was pretty much SAW in this case. Or taking a poll.