Regarding the ban of XSpinATKx


What happened?

Since I can’t reply because I’m a new user, I wanna make some stuff clear.

I was in a bad mood. I got ticked off. Rip

Well, I might leave the forums or I might stay. Seems like most people want me to leave lol.

I’ll think it over and post tomorrow.

Or maybe I’ll make a poll! Who knows lol. Also guys, I’m sorry, but no one’s going to believe me, so rip.

Also, this account is my brothers and I just took it, so yeah. You could ban this, but my brother could get salty so yeah.

What would you do with the classes?
Sorcerer, in need of buff?

he purposely banned himself


You’ll have to talk to him about it.

Shouldn’t be hard, as you’re posting from the same IP.


he won’t talk about it he’s super salty


Then I don’t know what to tell you.


[Riiiiiiiiiiight. OB]


Yes ofc I see you are agreeing with me


[…no, I don’t think that’s it. OB]


Next time you want to pull a prank, don’t ruin it yourself in advance.


Why bother apologizing if you’re just going to keep doing the same shit ad nauseam?

Crashing Economy

Drinking more water should help with that.


we know you’re XSpinATKX. you were banned for the same reason Zlushy was, but to a lesser degree:

now that we’ve established you’re not welcome here, will you please leave?
this trick didn’t work with OryxYeti, it definitely isn’t going to work with you.


wait why was xspinatkx banned?


…can you not read?

he is a toxic piece of trash that doesn’t belong here. his entire user history is cited as the reason because his behavior in general is intolerable. (same spiel for Zlushy, but worse)


dude are u kidding me xspinatkx is a bae


no I am not kidding. if you think he’s an okay guy at least one of the following must apply to you:

  1. you have not seen the majority of his posts
  2. you are incredibly dense
  3. you are yet another troll


More like he was banned because of several of his posts and Uncle Stew didn’t feel like quoting each and every one of them. Doesn’t mean 100% of his post history is ban-worthy.

You’re only saying that because you personally never had a problem with him, not because he was actually that way towards everybody.


Am I on the boundary with anti warrior extremism?


I don’t have the right to make the call, but I would say you’re fine since you seemed to have calmed down a bit. you’re entitled to your own opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to throw it around in every situation regardless of whether or not it applies.


Wait so what is ban worthy? Seems a bit random, I want to know.


It’s not a hard rule, but the “don’t be a dick” mindset applies here. Follow that and you’ll probably be alright.

EDIT: @Yavo, you can also read the rules and guidelines of the forum for a better insight.


Don’t think this exists but okay. Thanks for your help, i’ll just ask the @moderators


I kind of liked zlushy and spinatk. Their deaths shall forever be mourned by me. :sunglasses: