Reskin Dblade, Dbow?


So from now on, Bow of the Morning Star will now able to drop from Septavius?

Can I get the Bow of the Morning Star tomorrow?
MotMG 2017 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)
Bow of the Morning Star Question
Can you get sword of illumination atm?

I guess not, its not in the patchnotes


I think there’s an event chest scheduled in UDL some time later this month. Maybe Morning Star will drop from there?

Pure speculation though. It’s also entirely possible they won’t bring either reskin back.


Has anyone gotten the Bow of the Morning Star yet? I’ve done a dozen or so UDLs, but I haven’t gotten the Bow of the Morning Star yet (I used 4 lucky clovers).


I saw a post earlier on Reddit with someone getting a regular D-Blade white bag, no reskin, so I’d guess that they haven’t added the reskins to drop yet. They will probably fix this soon. A lot of people are complaining about it.


When did they get the skin (what time - before or after MOTMG update)?


People on the reddit are saying reskins won’t drop anymore? I’m not sure if they still will?


After the update. There hasn’t been any official Deca posts regarding the reskins yet though.


ive seen some bad spellings of septavius in my past, but this takes the cake
(no offence intended)


I’ve gotten a regular Dbow drop today, so can confirm that the regular skins are still dropping.


im confused. so will the chest spawn after clearing all enemies in dungeon like the shatters event or…?


By the way, i don’t think that a dozen udls would do it even with lucky clovers


Yeah I know but if it was dropping Bow of the Morning Star, (double drop rates) would apply.


I saw a dude get a normal Dblade, the other day d:


I died after reading this :joy:


During the Motmg event, does the Bow of the Morning Star have a double drop rate (twice the amount of drops as a Doom Bow)?



edit: you dont need to put your question in the title AND the post


Does the Morning Bow drop right now (people are saying it doesn’t for some reason)?


no it doesn’t drop right now


When will it start dropping?