

Once realm updated to release reskins I was excited but unfortunatly I got regular dblade. I was pretty dissapointed but I was wondering if its a half chance if getting dblade and reskined or is it bugged and it will be fixed later on?


it’s like the winter event you can get the normal one too, keep farming!


Either that or it’s another thing that’s broken
Along with

Pausing after you tp to someone
Pausing in the nexus
Pausing in general


I got 2 in a row and they’re both normal


The first time this event was run, June 2014 MotMG, the reskin dbow & dblade were added to the Septavius/Malphas drop tables as an additional item, and the normal dbow & dblade were removed+replaced by the reskins in the drop tables.

Result being: everyone had a double chance at looting, and only could loot the reskin.

(Abyss T-rooms still only gave normal Dblade)

This was a much better way to handle the drops, IMO. Because if you want the normal item, you have the rest of the year to go farm it. Getting the normal UT, while it should still be a good feeling, ends up giving you disappointment that you haven’t got the special one to mark the event).

Same was true of the winter reskins (Cwand/Csword/EP/…etc.) which were added without replacement of their normal items.

So if anyone @ Deca is listening :wink: this is hopefully something to consider.

Edit: I know you mentioned that a poll was a good way to gauge community opinion:




Yep, drop rates will be adjusted to be more in line with the old event. Not sure when we will push that though.

Edit: it’s live!


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