Revamp For Guild Functions



Hello Realm, I’d like to talk about a problem that I’ve noticed for some years now. The game has made some excellent strides in terms of dungeon development and features. But the problem is, most of these developments target the public area, which leaves other game features underdeveloped and lacking. As a guild founder for over 4 years, I’ve always felt like our guild hall, and guild features in general, have been lack luster. Yes, DECA included Guill as an attempt to bring some life to the guild hall. Thinking about it, what does that really do? I’ve noticed that guild members only enter the guild hall for private dungeons. Aside from that, it’s a barren wasteland with nothing but a soulless NPC, randomly placed skin closets and a hidden S*x dungeon. That’s why I decided to discuss this problem with my guild members. On behalf of each member in Fellstar, we propose some features that could be implemented to improve the guild function, so that it’s not just based on numerical data to be tracked by Realmeye.

Public Vault Space For NON-SB ITEMS

This was the most discussed feature among st my guild members. The idea is to implement a open area, similar to normal vaults, with chests that guild members can use for public storage. Of course, there are limits: Only NON-SB items can be stored in these chests If the guild wishes to increase storage, then the founder can use accumulated dead guild fame to purchase more chests. The idea behind this is to encourage co- op behavior between members. For example, assume that I have multiple pots or tops that I don’t need, Instead of dropping them, I would go into my guild vault and leave it in a chest for members to use if needed. It’s a simple idea but one that we feel would be a right step towards guild development.

Guild Boss Raids

An idea seen in many MMO games but one that could be a fun addition to realm, especially for guilds. Similar to the Arena setting, DECA could implement an NPC or area that allows the founders and leaders to purchase access to an exclusive guild boss, using accumulated dead guild fame.

Regarding the boss iteself, i’m not good with design so i’ll leave that to the community. However, I imagine that:

  1. The boss would have a massive amount of HP with an HP bar to indicate the amount.

  2. Each member has a limited amount of times to enter and face the boss, possibly 2-3 times a day

  3. There is a time limit set so that you can’t cheese it and stay for an indefinite period dealing damage to the boss.

  4. There would be no character death, if you “die” while fighting the boss you’re simply ejected from the boss area, your damage is recorded in a leader board made available by the NPC who opened the dungeon.

  5. The boss would only be open for a certain time limit. If it is not killed within it’s spawn period, it disappears and no rewards are given. If it is killed, all participating members are given completion rewards for killing it. Additionally, ranked rewards could be given to the top 3 damage dealers.

More ideas to be announced. If anyone has an idea, please post your thoughts here.


I love the idea of making guilds more like… y’know, guilds. The idea of item sharing sounds like a good way to expedite donations to less wealthy guild members, and the raid boss sounds really fun! My only concern is the reward system. It goes without saying that the rewards for the boss would have to be soulbound, but if players that aren’t in the top three only receive a mystery pot for example, it’d be tough to incentivise actually beating the boss.


Good point, we haven’t figured out what rewards would be available but the idea of possible, guild exclusive items could be a good incentive.


Make a guild
Get a ton of fame, buy all the chests available
Kick everyone out
Now you have personal storage

Seems a bit like a flawed idea :v


Haha, you can’t avoid situations like that if the founder is a c*ck. Regardless, I’m assuming every founder is a kindhearted individual LOL.


Thats a good idea.


Holy shit you’re a genius


Guild vault chests = less money for deca, because of what @Herkuzz said

Guild vault chests = bad idea, unless you’re gonna make it cost gold to unlock a chest, rather than fame.

The boss raids sound like an interesting idea, but if done wrong (and it would be pretty darn easy to do wrong) could also result in less money for deca spent on private keys. Perhaps make it so that the “raid bosses” only drop ut items at very low rates, so as to discourage doing raids instead of (rather than in addition to) bought keys. Perhaps, so as to incorporate the guild chests, you could make guild chests a very rare drop from these raid bosses, rather than making them bought with fame.

Here are my personal ideas on this subject:


Very good idea!


Good idea


Love the boss raid, but the guild chest could be a problem, it is basically a free chest after you create a guild for yourself, so less money for deca


Yo, I’ve posted something similar about the guild chest, and here’s my revised idea;

Instead of a gold chest, have an NPC, which tracks guild storage. A person can submit an item to be shared, but said item needs both the sharer’s permission, and the sharee’s request. It’s like posting a trade request on your RE.

Here’s the kicker; a submitted item MUST be stored in your own vault, and will be marked as Shared. A shared item cannot be interacted in your vault. It cannot be moved, or swapped.

When a member wants to have said item, it will send a request to you, which you can approve upon visiting the NPC which also tracks share requests, and the sharee can then take it whenever the sharee is online.

Of course there’s a limit to number of items shared at any given time, based on guild size. If you have a shared item, and are kicked before the item is claimed by your sharee, even if you have approved the item stays in your vault.

This way, there’s just item sharing, no vault required


Instead of offering my own opinions on the subject of guild chests, I’ll just show you everyone else’s:

it’s among the most common ideas on this forum tbh.


Practice arena!
Found in a max upgraded guild hall, it’s a circular room where you can spawn enemies (that do no dmg, have no drops, and give no XP) they still attack but instead of doing damage, it just says HIT. The point of this is that you could spawn, let’s say, a admiral of oryx and then he spawns his minions as well and then when you enter you and your guild could practice killing that specific enemy. Bosses and objects with health could also be spawned.
Initiates would not be able to use the arena.

Another would be a fame bonus collector, also gotten at max upgrade. It would eat specifically WHITE bag items and permanently add their fame bonus towards any collected guild fame.
Only officers and up can use it as it would cost a small amount of guild fame (100 per use)

Armor stands, there would be 40 in a guild hall that has been upgraded twice. Players may attach items to their (there would be one assigned to each member, and extra that would be unused if there are less than forty members) armor stand and the armor stand would appear to be using it, items could be removed from the stands owner at any time, this could be used to, well, pretty much show off items that one might see as a trophy.
Initiates would not be assigned an armor stand


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