Riddle me this


Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who’s afraid of the big black. (x and z spam intensifies)


Imma give you guys 5 days before I give the answer. Hint its wordplay.


A lightbulb or a torch ?

The mirror is on the wall or on the ground?


Random glowing light and on the wall.


Use the table to remove the mirror from the wall. Use the mirror and the light source to burn the box or just look in the mirror to admire yourself until you die.


Nope I said wordplay lol


What kind of bread can you not eat?
(This is actually really stupid, if you know spanish or japanese you’ll get this)


lift off the box?





Nope its all closed off no hinges or shit just a plain old metal box with a mirror and random light and a table.


no, the answer was frying pan
(Pan is bread in spanish so thats the joke haha)

Find all solutions where a=a but a/a=/=1



Post must be at least two characters


The answer was you look in the mirror you take what you saw. You use the saw to cut the table in half. 2 Halves make 1 whole. You jump in the hole to escape!

So easy I can’t believe you guys didn’t get that! *wink wink


That’s… a very unfair riddle. :stuck_out_tongue:


It reminds me of a riddle in Dutch.
Since I don’t want to burden you with odd translating mysteries, I’ll tell it myself:

There are three small islands in a certain sea. On the first, a man; on the second, a donkey; on the third, a coconut tree. There are hostile sharks in the water, which means the man cannot swim to any next island, nor can the donkey. How does he reach the tree?

First, he makes a plan. This plan fails (“Het plan valt in duigen”: “duigen” are planks of some sort). From the planks, he makes a boat and gets halfway to the second island, when the boat sinks. This is a fact (“Dit staat als een paal boven water”: this is like a pole above water). He climbs atop the pole and waits. (“Hij wacht tot hij een ons weegt”: he waits until he weighs a pound) On the wind, he floats to the second island.
He makes the donkey make noise. (“Hij laat de ezel balken”: “balken” means both the noise a donkey makes, as well as long wooden rods) He builds another boat, and reaches the third island. There, he sits down tiredly. (“Daar gaat hij bij de pakken neerzitten en legt hij het bijltje erbij neer”: he sits down by the boxes - tired - and lays the axe down with it - gives up) He stacks the boxes and uses the axe to obtain the coconut.

I hppe that makes sense, somehow :3


No, but I enjoyed reading it anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


Many yet also one
Undying yet not living
Listens but never answers
Tries and never fails
Is listening but never answers
Brings followers yet remains alone
One soul in many bodies
Xylophones In his vault
Stupid riddle


did any1 get the answer?..


Yep, I laughed when I saw it. Well done :joy:



I lived the high life until they discovered me. They took advantage of me, and I fell from my former glory. They traded me amongst themselves and used me to become closer to their gods. I am bitter, but when my captors were conquered, my saviors made me sweet. My fame grew, and I became a source of comfort and sweetness to those who are bitter or dismayed. I am loved by all, though I may serve as a poison to your best friend.
Who Am I?