Rip RNG?


Okay, just a simple question, i have been “grinding” for a while now, and done about 120+ UDL’s, and 80+ Abyss’s, and i have not gotten a white bag yet, well okay, RNG ofcourse, but, i played with my friend for about 40 UDL’s and 30 Abyss’s, and he got 3 Dbows and 1 Dblade… Nice.
Am i really just that unlucky?


I find that when you’re grinding for specific items it’s far harder to get them.

You’ll be lucky in different places, you get the best items when you least expect it. :wink:


Well true, but its just sad when you grind for a piece of gear, and your friend gets it multiple times, and you dont ^^


I think you are, i ran about ~40 udl and got 1 dbow, ~30-50 abyss and got 1 dblade. Have to say your friend is lucky tho, 3 dbow in 40 udl? Woo thats some rng blessing.


Ikr? got kinda salty when he hit the 3rd one tbh lol


I got 2 in 80ish udls


Please dont ._.


Got a 6/8 huntress i refuse to play on before i get the Dbow, since i only have the coral bow atm
Kinda sad to spend all those pots on a character i dont play on, when i got others characters to max aswell, and i have had him siting for 2 weeks or so now


Yeah RNG IS DEAD, i’ve been farming events 24/7 with all my loot drops i had and only got some cswords and nothing else … that really sucks. Other people are getting a lot of event whites without loot drops … that sucks


I got a jugg tho, but i have been farming a ton since, nothing yet, and wasted all my clovers (5) in abyss’s :frowning: and still 0 lol


Don’t fee bad, I’ve only gotten 1 D-Bow in the last 1.5 years.


It took me about 500 abbys to get my dblade. Spent about 10 clovers but it was worth it! Keep persevering!


It’s called seed and I am certain realm has some sort of seed set by either server time or some other value. When I get white/ST bags it’s always the same items (cloaks of plane even on quest chest), and nothing different. My RNG is fixed for very odd anomalies and if you see a reoccurring pattern (dungeons dropping at particular times of a day but not dropping during others for example) then chances are it’s fixed random. I doubt it’s true random and could explain why certain players have better drop rates than others.

I have yet to see loot tier and clovers really effect your chances of a good drop. They just increase the quantity of drops in a bag.



i hate ur friend. i want a dbow for a very long time, i done 120+ udls, not a single one.
i got a dblade tho, and a cutlass, but i dont play melee.


Well, i got cutlass aswell, but thats a while ago, but i play melee tho, so im happy with that


Tbh, that actually would make a ton of sense, but at the same time, i never play at the same time every day (because of my work, my work hours vary with up to 6 hours a day), so i will just never get a white again ._.


feel like your luck is kinda trash, i think i got 3 dbows in around 25-30 udls


Well, i just dont feel like thats fair


Trying to grind of shatters whites (bracer and crown specifically)… gets gem
Gets crowns outside of shatters event :thinking:

Trying to grind conflict, ends up with three other event whites I’ve never gotten before.

Trying to grind CSword, ends up with CWand, hey I mean I’ll take it.

White bags take you by S U R P R I S E
Calm yourself and you shall receive.

Ironic, isn’t it


Ran over 200 sprites to get a planewalker, used 4 loot drop potions.

Ran about 10 udls in between, had loot drop on for some of them, got 3 dbows.

It’s all just RNG, you’ll get your white bag eventually