

A class with a katana, scroll and robe the scroll releases a spirit guardian to heal and attack to suffice for lower defense (note this class will have generally more defense than the bard due to it being a melee class) I don’t know how to calculate the right stats so please post what you think would best fit for it


More detail plz?


Even though you can’t calculate the right stats, at least give the ability info format with stuff like on ability use, lasts for # seconds, radius of # tiles, without using numbers.

Here’s an example:
Scroll of Sages

Tier #
MP Cost #
On Equip #
Releases Jade Spirit Guardian, wanders around player, healing and fighting during combat
Shots #
Damage #–# (average: #)
Lifetime # second(s)
Range # tiles
XP Bonus #%
Feed Power #

Passes cover Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles


Always fun to see different class ideas! So this class is katana and robe, which would give a nice 1-of-each-armor to the katana classes, but robe is squishy for katanas short range. As you noted with what the ability does.

so the usual stats for each class can be found on realmeye, here is the bard’s.
(I forgot how to do table stuff, I’ll look it up later)
So a bards maxed stats are as follows:
Life: 670
Mana: 385
Attack: 55
Defense: 25
Speed: 55
Dex: 70
Vit: 45
Wis: 75

So to have more def for the Ronin, you could put it at 30 max which is what paladin and samurai have, although still very squishy with the robe. Melee classes have 720 hp usually. Other tweaks could be made, I think it would need higher speed (like 70) so you could go in and out better.

thats just some initial thoughts of mine


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