[ROTMG Comic] The Prism Pirate


Hey there are two different pirate armies… (even if one of them is undead)




Excluding Dreadstump? I meant excluding dreadstump because Sturdy said “Oh gee I wonder who that could possibly be?” I aplogize for the misunderstanding.


Ok 2 if you exclude dreadstump


Wait hang on there’s a third pirate group?


There’s Jon Bilgewater and Davy Jones


I am incredibly disappointed in myself that I forgot about Davy Jones.


Perhaps Rhea will get her questions answered, with the help of some scallywags.

Pages 166-172

Author’s Notes: Wonder how Dreadstump gets a map of the Lost Halls being locked away? Perhaps Oryx sends them in the mail…

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This is so cute <3 Although I thought Rhea wasn’t exactly against Oryx. They kind of have a complicated relationship, to say the least


A little too excited for the adventure, out the window for Chapter Three

Pages 173-177

Author’s Notes: o l d m e m e s a n d f a n s e r v i c e

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too nsfw for me


lel u died rip


Chapter Four - The Siren’s Song

Pages 178-185

Author’s Notes: If its hard to catch, Rhea puts her hat around her neck to cover her loot bags.

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Its like a snapback (or in context a baseball cap.) Most you can undo in the back to readjust the size, leaving the hole in the back aswell.


Ah I see, I figured that it was just a traditional cap, as we’ve never seen the detail of the buttons on the back of those kind of hats.


Its held together not by buttons but by badess


Her whole outfit is held together by badess :wink:


How is the ship going to get out of that cave?

Pages 186-190

Author’s Notes: What if there was an event down by the beachline, away from spawnpoints that is, even if its like a starter one?

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Heyy, I see smudge tool usage there! Upping comic quality one aspect at a time