ROTMG Exalt Is Tripping My Antivirus Software now


Hey guys, ever since those hackers invaded the game a week or two ago, my game has been acting really funky. No matter how many times I delete and redownload the files it won’t fix anything. Here’s what happens:

I open the game after I boot my pc and it needs to update. From here it will either download the current version of the game AGAIN, or it will say “There was a problem downloading build. Please remove the build manually and try again. Error when downloading update at step 11: Access to path C:/Users/(me)/documents/RealmoftheMadGod/production/ROTMG Exalt.exe” is denied.

This is really starting to get on my nerves, I don’t even care so much about losing characters as I care about this issue I have been experiencing very often. I stream the game every day, I’m trying to get affiliated but I can’t if I have to do 100 steps to open/update the game every single day.

On top of that, every time I close my game (after somehow getting it to work), my antivirus software tells me that its a dangerous virus and that it’s moved it to a secure location. This is only a recent development after the server crashing incident.

Last but not least, in popular servers I am able to load into them only when I start my game, and then when I try to nexus I am given a “the existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host” message. Then I try to reconnect and am given the message numerous times over. it usually takes 5 minutes to get back to nexus from realm. It’s not my internet: I have the best internet that my provider could possibly provide for download and upload speeds.

I don’t want to leave this game in the past, but if there are new problems springing up every day like this I will have to advocate for others to stop playing as well.


UPDATE: I can’t find the ROTMG Exalt.exe file anywhere on my pc. It could be that the file has been flagged as a virus and moved to a safe storage by my antivirus software.


Okay another update. I checked my antivirus chest and the file for rotmg exalt.exe WAS in there actually. along with a ton of others that I had downloaded and redownloaded over the last few days. It listed the threat as “IDP.generic” so I looked it up and then uploaded the file to a website called virustotal. The website said that there wasn’t any issue in the file and that it was safe.

this does however beg the question. Why has exalt been majorly fine up until this point? Those hackers LIKELY did some level of damage to the servers. I’m not technically experienced enough to say just what they could have gotten or what they could have done; but the events line up far too coincidentally for me to say that they are certainly not connected. What do you think?


so what you want to do (assuming you’re using avast) is go to your virus chest (where it stored flagged files) , press the ⋮ next to rotmg.exe and add exception.

idk, but i have gotten those flags from avast in the past, i deleted everything rotmg related and redownloaded it, it was fine.

i know for a fact that avast flagging rotmg as idp generic isn’t a new thing, happened to @demonseye start of exalt too i believe.

as for the other problems take a look there -> Exalt Technical Problems Troubleshooting Guide


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