Samurai (update 4 sprite poll/rocket sprites)


Ok thank you that is a great point. 25 does sound a lot more reasonable with that in mind. I was only thing of the t1-t6 katanas.


I’d love to do a thorough review of this once there are a few sprites in :slight_smile:


I saw this idea earlier. I chose not to comment or review it, as it’s a Samurai idea. I’ve always had the same opinion of Samurai ideas: they’d be OP with the higher range and similar damage to melees found in katanas, but with the increased Defense of heavy armor.

I’m not going to rate it, as it’d be kind of biased.


I can see how the idea of a samurai could be OP, but I believe it could be made fair with the right stats.





definently not balanced as far as ability because if you have two of these with the T3 firework say hello to daze for days.

People who dont like to use this forum, why?

I agree. So give him all around mediocre stats.

Hear me out: you know how the ninja has high stat caps but uses leather armor to counter-balance it? Make it so that the samurai have low stat caps but uses heavy armor to counter-balance it. At least that’s how I always thought a katana wielding class with heavy armor should be like.


You have some good points, but I feel like I can make the daze work without it being OP. For the pet problem, that is why I added a reload time, so you cannot spam it even with a pet. For making it less OP I could a little higher mp cost and a slightly longer reload time? Before you say no daze at all you have to remember there is a knight with a stun, which makes enemies not fire at all. Now that sounds OP. Thanks for the input!


Ok can you give me an idea of what you think would be good?


Sure. Stat caps would be:

HP 720
MP 252
ATT 50
DEF 25
SPD 50
DEX 50
VIT 40
WIS 50

As I said, all around mediocre.


That would be great! I Have been mainly focusing on getting his stats just right at the moment, but I would definentily like to get some sprites going soon. I am not too good with sprites, so Im going to try and see if anyone else would want to do that or I could try and see how it goes.


I see what your getting at. Before I was getting feedback that the samurai was underpowered, but that was before I explained his special ability better. I will try and round out his stats, but I want to make sure he isn’t too weak, so there would be incentive to play him.


Sorry, heavy armor and katanas cannot work together. They are too OP. The Samurai must be leather armor. It is a fact.


Not really.

Just lower the stat caps for it so you can allow heavy armor.


No. It doesn’t work like that. You shouldn’t be able to tank a ton of shots, come in with a longer range than a sword, and pierce the living hell out of enemies. That’s just not fair. Just because you gave it 25 def, or something like that, or lowered its DPS, doesn’t make it fair. If you lower it too much, you end up making the class useless. If you don’t lower it enough, the class is OP. You could argue that there is a middle ground, but the problem is…there is no middle ground!


No lol you’re so stupid.

Pally has 30 def to max
Knight has 40 + shield
Warrior has 25 + helm
This class has 25 + 0 = 25.

I don’t get the problem here.

It’s less tanky than melees but more tanky than ninja, but it doesn’t have a star.

Besides, there isn’t anything you could do about the stat caps because you can perma daze anyway. Hell, you might as well give it a robe and it’ll still have the same functionality.


This was not necessary. Now I am offended. Prepare for retaliation.


Yes. We all already know that knight is overpowered.


And he can daze enemies. Or statis them.

I also don’t think you are aware of the whole 1.7 tile difference in range from Doku to a sword. That means you have almost two extra tiles you can use to distance yourself from an enemy. Plus it pierces. Don’t forget that. Boss with minions? No problem. Just run in, and shoot. You don’t even have to kill the minions!

Oh, my bad. Let me rephrase it for you. This class would be too OP with heavy armor.

Yes. And it can daze or statis enemies. And pierce though minions. And has more range. That puts it on the same level as melees. Which is OP. Because it is obviously just an upgrade on ninja at that point.

Yes. That is my point. Heavy armor makes it super OP because you can run it and take barely any shots. At least with Leather, you’d take more damage.

Functionality, yes. Survivability and tanky-ness. No. It would take way more damage, and might not be able to get in to damage enemies.


Everything is dazed. You can go in, get your damage in, then get out because your enemy isn’t shooting at you. I’m not sure you understand the principle of dazed.[quote=“AnEcho, post:34, topic:6407”]
Because it is obviously just an upgrade on ninja at that point.

Wrong. It lacks the dps of a ninja. The trade-off here is the dps for extra armor. Not an upgrade. More like a better side grade.

Really, the only reason why this is op is because of the dumb status effects, which I explained in my previous post.

I’m sorry for calling you stupid btw. That was careless vocabulary on my part.


Yes, sorry, I misunderstood. I see what you mean now. Yes, you could absolutely daze everything, run in, and destroy monsters. With any armor. [quote=“XSpinATKx, post:35, topic:6407”]
Wrong. It lacks the dps of a ninja.

While that is true, I still believe that, while maybe not a direct upgrade on ninja, this class still does a shit ton of damage with a Doku or any other katana for that matter. With heavy armor it is a lot of damage with little risk, plus there is daze.

Yep, reread it, I get it now. It is absolutely broken with the ability, but if you played mundane, it wouldn’t be that OP. Makes sense. Sorry if I misread or didn’t understand a post. Happens more often than I would like.


I’m not sure if I want a sword or a katana on this class.