Seasonal Potion Storage Upgrade


I am a new player, and I don’t see why anyone hasn’t suggested this before. Just like the vault enable the first tier of potion storage rack to be upgradable for seasonal characters. It would be easy to implement as the systems are already in place to upgrade it (separate seasonal vault), I don’t think it would affect the economy or balance in any way, it wouldn’t be a necessary purchase but a helpful one, and DECA would get more money (reoccurring). The only problem I could see occurring is what would happen at the end of the season. From what I have heard seasonal chest upgrades kick back as a normal chest upgrade once the season ends but that wouldn’t work for people who already have maxed pot rack. I had three solutions to this. The first one would be to just kick back a second chest upgrade unlock as it’s the same gold value. The second would be to have it upgrade the potion rack once if the players potion rack isn’t maxed then kick back a vault slot if it is. Third is just to let it go to waste if the player has max vault slots.


This is because the whole seasonal character system is new to the game.

Currently it says the seasonal potion rack can only be upgraded via a item. Gives me reason to believe they are experimenting with different options on how to implement this.

This one!


Thank you for reply.

Ahh I see, I had just assumed seasonal characters had been a thing for the three previous seasons.

That makes sense. I hadn’t thought about it that way. I also thought it might be a good idea to implement and lock an upgrade item into the missions (such as a potion upgrade or second vault upgrade)

The second one was my favorite as well.


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