Server-side lag when activating trickster ability?


It’s trivial, or much less important, to every non-trickster class, but… does anyone seem to notice a bit of server-side lag between pressing whatever your ability key and it activating?

[Moved this into its own bug topic. - Nevov]

Trivial Issues Thread

Yes, allow me to explain why that is! Abilities work in different ways, tricksters are unfortunately at a disadvantage.

  • No delay (client-side, server checks afterwards): Knight, Archer, Ninja (star)
  • Normal delay (server-side): Paladin, Warrior, Ninja (buff), Rogue, Assassin, Huntress, Mystic, Necromancer, Wizard, Sorcerer
  • Additional delay (server-side + object initialization): Trickster

The trickster ability feels especially delayed, because unlike other abilities the decoy itself also needs an extra tick (up to 200 milliseconds) to get started as well.

This is something we would have liked to spend more time on while fixing the other decoy issues, but it turned out to be quite… tricky. It’s in our backlog.

What classes' abilities are worst affected by lag?

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