Server was so laggy that i can see my own grave AFTER i died


this is what happens when you get shotgunned at o2 and the server turns into absolute shit

Trivial Issues Thread

[Split this off the Trivial Issues]

Seems you are having some weird problems, maybe there is something Kongregate-related going on (you are Kongregate, right? From your other recent bug post: AFK in nexus for 2 hours and not dc'ing) or something else specific to your setup?


Is this just a case of really bad lag or is there an actual issue here?


This is where you call Deca for help.

But you'll end up waiting for the sun to die


You’re like that guy from Re:Zero that can never die xd


Afaik this happens when get healed in the exact moment in which you die.



But the sun will still think its alive…:thinking:


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