

No ping
(Also wait… Redeadgods??? How??? Halloween is bringing back the old forumers)


there doesnt need to be. i expect him to smell my post :^)
(yah i got back in doing ppes my graveyard is wack rn halloween is best month)
(ign changed to shotghost now too :0


Thanks had it from last years ago, think piggby made it


Either rum and coke because it’s what I’m used to or like a hard Arizona tea


thats my man right there


@Shatter free itenz plox


@shatter did you dup yesterday


@Shatter why didn’t you screenshot for me in wlab that wasn’t very nice


You never saw me


@shatter lying is bad. are you a bad boy?


Yes this is how our conversation went
Shatter: t (because he was rushing wlab)
Me: hi
Shatter: hi
Me: Can you take a screenshot of this and post it on the realmeye stalking page
Shatter: No sir
Me: awwww
(this last part totally happened btw)
Shatter: Why would you ask such a thing of me I hope you get sat on by the megamoth and get popped and lose all of your items and get banned you little #@$%*&
Me: gets sat on and popped and loses all of my items and gets banned


@Shatter Do you splinter, but not break?


@Shatter @Shattersbo @ShatterPal @ShatterFag @ShatterMan @ShatterBro ducks


am… I ShatterPal?


I just ping everything that said Shatter, I assumed you were half those


Shatter is me,
Shattersbo I think is book,
ShatterPal is book
ShatterFag is someone I banned, I think fweftjfhjs
ShatterMan is a player completely separate from me and doesn’t really know me
ShatterBro was my first account


Shattersbo actually some random. Reminds me of this beauty.

I did make other Shatter accounts though. @ShatterFan, @Shattor, maybe more.


Oh that’s me

I am the one screwing up


@Shatter did you know that the dead fishy fishy is the baby of your Wittle Zwaps???

@Shatter how to make 8/8s

@Shatter how to make 7/8s

@Shatter how to make 1/8s
hah bet you didn’t expect that one. I bet you thought I was going to say 6/8s next

@Shatter can I join guild

@Shatter can I not join guild

@Shatter How many times have you died in shatters

@Shatter why have you not changed your profle pic from the halloween one

@Shatter do you seriously have a tennis ball that looks like a landfish?


@Shatter remember this? Shatter is Love Shatter is Life

@Shatter bye now




made by @Lucy


@shatter hey