

@shatter did you dup yesterday


@Shatter why didn’t you screenshot for me in wlab that wasn’t very nice


You never saw me


@shatter lying is bad. are you a bad boy?


Yes this is how our conversation went
Shatter: t (because he was rushing wlab)
Me: hi
Shatter: hi
Me: Can you take a screenshot of this and post it on the realmeye stalking page
Shatter: No sir
Me: awwww
(this last part totally happened btw)
Shatter: Why would you ask such a thing of me I hope you get sat on by the megamoth and get popped and lose all of your items and get banned you little #@$%*&
Me: gets sat on and popped and loses all of my items and gets banned


@Shatter Do you splinter, but not break?


@Shatter @Shattersbo @ShatterPal @ShatterFag @ShatterMan @ShatterBro ducks


am… I ShatterPal?


I just ping everything that said Shatter, I assumed you were half those


Shatter is me,
Shattersbo I think is book,
ShatterPal is book
ShatterFag is someone I banned, I think fweftjfhjs
ShatterMan is a player completely separate from me and doesn’t really know me
ShatterBro was my first account


Shattersbo actually some random. Reminds me of this beauty.

I did make other Shatter accounts though. @ShatterFan, @Shattor, maybe more.


Oh that’s me

I am the one screwing up


@Shatter did you know that the dead fishy fishy is the baby of your Wittle Zwaps???

@Shatter how to make 8/8s

@Shatter how to make 7/8s

@Shatter how to make 1/8s
hah bet you didn’t expect that one. I bet you thought I was going to say 6/8s next

@Shatter can I join guild

@Shatter can I not join guild

@Shatter How many times have you died in shatters

@Shatter why have you not changed your profle pic from the halloween one

@Shatter do you seriously have a tennis ball that looks like a landfish?


@Shatter remember this? Shatter is Love Shatter is Life

@Shatter bye now




made by @Lucy


@shatter hey


@Shatter why did the forum game under person thread get closed?


It was a circle jerk of 5 users spamming a thread that was utterly pointless

I would put it on the same level as a count to 1,000,000 thread


well I can’t deny that, but it was fun :angery:


Also because you can see the person above you when typing out your reply, you can only “win” if someone takes pity on you. Not exactly great forum game material


the way I do it, I just post in it whenever I go into it