Shaxasno's Photo Album!


@Niegil Send the video!


Which one?


Jango and I


That’ll be 2 life


@OtherBill I know you’re reading my Forum threads secretly, if not deep inside of your pixeled heart you’re wanting to read every post in my thread! Do what must be done to get rid of these chains of “No u”


No. refer to this: What's Appropriate in the Off-Topic Category?

“Today I deleted 100s of replies on multiple threads which had ZERO content. I don’t mean “it was off topic, the conversation was meaningless”. I mean dozens of replies with nothing more than “…” in the body, or the same two sentences/words replied back and forth between 4 or 5 people”


Why don’t you get rid of it?


If only the creator of the thread was able to delete other’s comments.


I agree




…it can’t…it can’t be that easy…

-types nervously-

No u


[Okay…seriously, deleted what, 15, 20 posts? This isn’t Off-Topic, so at least some pretense of staying on topic would be appreciated. OB]


Nothing there is on topic anyway


It’s just all of these Shatters I’ve been doing! You know, so much of my time spent on developing my already epic skillz…-Sigh- I may make some sort of picture montage though, hmz. That’d be cool actually…

If anyone was wondering;


My only question:

why not exa hp instead of para hp lol
i mean, you can obviously afford it


@Shaxasno stop cheating on your 3897367856827562 boyfriends and girlfriends…


I think @OtherBill reads more of your threads than you do…


What are you talking about!? Didn’t you know I and Germ is no longer Rotmg mates! I’m free to roam freely now to my deepest dreams!


I usually don’t take the time to look for Hp rings unless they’re ubhbs to shorten my life supply and make my vault more spacious. I was wearing Ubspd because i was going to mystic rush my way to third, but I decided to just go with the group > ~>



There are more important things in life than internet 'ships. I’m only here when @'ed.

[Besides, anyone who knows me well knows that my RotMG Heart already belongs to another. Here’s a hint: they don’t even read the forums. OB]




[Ummm…no. OB]