Should players who admit to hacking be banned from forums?




An ftfy because I do not agree with

I agree.

Warnings then ban.

They can explain themselves of course! Which is important since we are taking fake screenshots into consideration. But it deserves a warning that leads to a ban if it continues. And the only reason someone would continue is if they are doing it intentionally…or are just stupid. Again, exposing others to screenshots of hacked clients leaves a bad impression on others. It does make the forums look bad if there is no official consequence, which can lead to the assumption that the mods are too lienent/allowing this to happen/do not take it very seriously.

:hugs: :bear: :heart:


So are you saying that people who repeatedly post pictures of themselves hacking (whether it be fake or not), shouldn’t be banned eventually?


This thread


So…what are you saying?


That we should organize our societies along the lines of the lobsters


I like boiled lobster with butter too but thats off topic.


Try to avoid editing quotes as much as possible.

What do you mean “too lenient”.

It’s not their job to enforce Deca’s ToS.

No, it makes the forums look like the forums of a f2p game played by a lot of dumb kids.

Which it is.

You can mark them as Cheater on their Realmeye page.

You can report them to people maintaining hacker lists.

You can flag their posts as Spam or Off-Topic if they start spamming pics of them hacking everywhere in an attempt to garner attention.

There are a lot of things you can do that don’t require swinging the banhammer all day.


But yet people get banned for being toxic to the community and or idiot trolls, so why shouldn’t posting hacks/normalizing hacks be a bannable offense?

EDIT: I mean sure one most would be flagged but if that doesn’t stop them, then I feel like this should be treated like any other harmful action towards the community.


Too lenient as “I can post an ss of me hacking without the mods doing anything bout it.”

Don’t see how this statement adds to the discussion?

Yes, you can do these and help the game itself.

But that does not have to do with preventing hacking screenshots in the forums.

Which is a specific situation in which the person is


What’s even going on anymore :frowning:


You guys know this is not and has not ever been a problem?

Aslo “should player who admit to hacking”

My answer is no but if you’re attention crier like I’m the best, then sure mods could take action against that, its dumb.


Dang it


Wuts going in is ur being roasted a friendly debate

It doesn’t change the fact that it could be a problem. Anyone can do it right now if they wanted to. And it doesn’t have to be an attention whore. For example, continuously posting ss of hack clients in something like the White Bag thread and not giving caring about how others despise hacks.


Players who contribute to the community and have hacked in the past? No.

Players who currently hack and contribute to the community? Maybe.

Players who currently hack and contribute negatively? Absolutely.


That can be subjective though.

I am not well-versed in the ToS of this forums, but I take it that:

  1. Encouraging the use of hacking/client is against the ToS
  2. Posting SS’s with your client does not count as encouraging the use of it

Should it be considered that posting SS of clients be an implicit encouragement to use clients, therefore making it bannable?

I understand how RotMG and realmeye are separate and bannable offenses do not always overlap. I also understand how repeated client SS (say in white bag thread) could normalize client usage.


Absolutely. Posting screenshots of a hacked client is encouraging and enlightening. I downloaded a hacked client a year ago and continued to play on easy mode for about 6-8 months because I saw screenshots of what it could do posted in a discord.


Which is another reason why having hacked clients screenshots on the forums is bad, it increases exposure, harmful especially to newer players.


Cheating is an in-game disruption.

For it to become a bannable offense on the forums, you need to explain how it disrupts the activity of the forums.

I don’t see how every single cheater being laughed at and hacks being systematically called out somehow equates to hacks being “normalized”.

Which means your only reason for hacks to be banned on the forums boils down to “I think hacks are bad, therefore people who admit to hacking should be banned”.

I don’t think that’s enough.

Mods get an alert every time someone gets flagged. I’m pretty sure if they keep seeing the same name pop up all the time, they’re going to notice.

You still haven’t explained why that’s such a bad thing.

The only thing posting a screen cap of you cheating does is make everyone on the forum laugh at you. What, is making people laugh a bannable offense now?

Most cheaters find out about hacks because of the people they play with, or because they looked up “rotmg hacks” on Google.

On the forums, what they’re going to see is mostly how much the community despises cheaters and all the reasons why cheating is a bad idea.



And what about the mods?

Sure, the forumers will be against a hacker posting their ss. But the players have little control over the hacker’s actions. The most they can do is flag the post, which requires another reason entirely for said post to be flagged, such as being offensive. Yet mods have power over the hacker, they can do something to prevent it from happening or continuing.

Exposure is exposure. If a new player sees a hacked client on the forums, that’s just adding to it, not helping.