Should STs be SB?


I guess engaging is two complete opposite things for us /:

There isn’t anything else I can say, but you did sway me a bit with your points.


Can’t be that different since we’re playing the same game.

Or do you mean I’m using the word “engaging” the wrong way?


But that’s exactly what I’m pointing is wrong with your viewpoint. Your idea of the core concept of this game is really not shared by many people, and saying that with your tone of certainty is weird and ignorant of other ways of playing the game.

Maybe merching is the main purpose/focus of the game for some people because they want to accumulate as much as wealth as possible as efficiently as possible. Saying that this is the wrong way to play the game because “my core concept/purpose/objective of the game is different than yours” is you just being a killjoy.


Engaging for me is the thought of possibly getting an item (via drops) but engaging for you is getting an item non rng style and using it. (Correct me if I’m wrong about your viewpoint)


This game has always been developed and marketed as a MMO shooter. I’ve never seen a single developer or GM refer to it as a trading simulator.

I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to think the MMO and shooting parts are the core of the game while trading is just a side feature.

There’s a point where you have to ask yourself what it is you want from a game and whether you truly chose the right game for yourself.

If you want a game that’s 100% resource management and transactions there are games right now on the market that are way more suited to your tastes than RotMG could ever realistically be.

If that were the case I would have quit after UTs were made SB and never came back.

Of course the possibility of getting an item is one of the driving forces of this game, but there needs to be something that makes you want that item. For me the fun I know I will have using the item is what makes me want to have it.

I think too much RNG is bad and your drops should be somewhat determined by personal skill, I’m not saying it should be completely removed.


That would be interesting to implement but I’m not sure how they could do it🤔[quote=“RMGnoob, post:153, topic:18642”]
your drops should be somewhat determined by personal skill,


STs should be soulbound, for reasons stated by @IAmShurima to prevent duping, because, let’s face it, some sts are seriously op (pixie, shendyt, soulless). But since they’re so rare to drop normally, the droprates in turn should be buffed.


how about we like, uhh, completely remove the whole st thingy and turn them into ut’s, or turn the forbidden jungle set/mad lab set/coral huntress set/all other item sets into st’s, like cmon, who WOULDN’T want a forbidden jungle necro st set


Who would?



OR, we keep the current STs and leave those ones UT, because we already have the ST skins for the current ones.


OR, we keep all the other ones UT EXCEPT the jungle necro, which will basically be the best st set in the game


OR we could buff tablet.


OR we could make tablet st


OR remove tablet.

Who honestly uses it?


you cant really remove items once they’ve been officially released, especially if they’ve been in game as long as tablet has.


Ok so massive rework then


Yeah, pretty much.


make tablet part of the upcoming necro jungle st set,


Necro with spell? lets make it heal too lmao.

(add healing to tablet, not add healing to necro)

