Some Fun Sword UT's (Forum Initiation Post)


Hello Everyone! I am LifaenXHG and for the next while I am going to try to be a regular on the forums.

So let’s start with two UT’s. These are two items that I am thinking of including in a reskinned sewer (that is construction themed) anyways… judge harshly and give some feedback!

Divine Jackhammer
Description: Actually pretty basic, the name is a little misleading

21%20PM Shots: 43%20PM

Tier: UT
Shots: 1
Damage: 155 - 195
Range: 3 tiles
Rate of Fire: 150%
On Equip: -2 SPD
Fame Bonus: 5%
Drops From: The Kahoona (Don’t question it, it will be explained at some other date)

Yah… So it’s faster than the pirate’s cutlass, but does less damage, also minus 2 speed… shred this balancing and tell me why it sucks lol (or say it’s alright) Oh yeah, and fires shots in the same manner as Etherite Dagger.


Shovel of Desire
Description: Rumour has it that it belonged to an treasure hunter, but looks like a plain old shovel to me. When in doubt, fling dirt at the enemies face.

35%20PM Shots: 27%20PM

Tier: UT
Shots: 5
Damage: 50
Range: 4.5 tiles
Fame Bonus: 4%
Drops From: The Assistant (again don’t question it)

This item is sill pretty okay, but it’s essentially a weaker pixie, but still does a decent amount of damage.

Anyways… give criticism (I’m sure there is lots) and stay tuned for my next set of posts which will be showcasing items that switch up play style a little bit (don’t freak out… yet)


I look forward to seeing you become a regular. Wish you you luck! :grin:


Ok. Personally, I don’t like the sprite of the shot of the Jackhammer because it doesn’t really represent anything (unless it’s supposed to be flying cement or something), but otherwise I think you’ve got a good concept. Actually, another thing is that these items seem to be close replicas of other items which would mean there’s not much use to them. Try some new items stats.


for some reason this is the best thing i’ve seen all day


Let’s just say it’s an enemy based off of my boss lol.


A shovel…really? :man_facepalming:t5:


Sorry for my ignorance, but how do you become a regular?


You’re on a roll today


I don’t know the specific requirements, but basically all you have to do is be super duper active on the forums


Continuing the discussion from FAQ: What are Trust Levels?:


for specifics:

5 likes given, not sure how many likes received

more than 5 in the past 100 days

not sure about the specifics, but i’m fairly sure you need to be a bit active in every supercategory


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