Some VERY controversial ideas


what if decoys just went in the direction you teleported…

heres a controversial idea… Get good.

dude what are you talking about

this is actually a good idea.

while this is not actually true, I know what you’re saying. Unfortunately ROTMG is free to play, pay to have fun.

i mean like this is cool… but also like sorta not necessary. Learning by dying is a part of this game no matter how frustrating it is.

unfortunately all of this is too much to ask :confused:

  1. What if you just created a decoy in the direction of your mouse? No teleport, because trying to create a decoy and teleport at the same time is really hard to do. I think teleport should be limited to certain UTs, like planeswalker. Then, maybe you could do something cool with the decoys, like giving them the ability to daze, or the ability to tank shots. This way every is not carrying the same t0 prism.
  2. You’re supposed to stack up on health potions before going to the godlands without a good pet.
  3. Vit/Wis changes: yes
  4. Cronus: yes. Maybe give it piercing. Bulwark: It’s wacky shot pattern makes it special.
  5. But then why hatch common/uncommon eggs of your own?
  6. So, like a mode that actually depends on your SKILL, not your $$$$? This would take to much time to implement.


you can already to it if you are good at the game.

we already have that.

too OP. imagine that at nest perma-armor break phase.

that will just make it a straight upgrade from stinger.


You mean good at trickster? I am good at trickster, but I feel like it would be more interesting to have the decoy explode and give a status effect/do small damage.

Yes, I understand that the Brain of the Golem gives daze, but that is only one prism, and I was thinking what if all decoys had a really small explosion? The explosion doesn’t have to be very effective, just something that gives the player a feeling of satisfaction, like when you stun something.

Maybe I should have elaborated more on this. Maybe the decoys have a certain amount of damage they can tank, and that the decoys can’t tank armor breaking/piercing shots. There are many things that you can do the nerf this.

First of all, Dirk of Cronus is an event white. It should be good. But if you think about it, a piercing Dirk of Cronus is not a straight upgrade from Queen’s Stinger Dagger. Stinger pierces armor. Stinger has more feedpower. Stinger has more range. Stinger shoots faster. Also, piercing is more effective when you have higher range, so you won’t be able to pierce as much as the Stinger.


already good now :ok_hand:

sure, but Cdirk outdamages it until 102 def :confused:

0.5 range difference is not that much.

and let’s be real. Cdirk, some noobs can just get lucky and get it, but stinger, you actually need to run nests. Even though they are both extremely rare, I’d say Cdirk is ‘at least more common’ not because of it’s droprate, but where it drops. (yes cdirk droprate is lower ik that)

yes you can get stinger from epic quest chest but… what are the odds.


I like most of them and just learned about Guill lol. However I like the leveling and rolling to 20.


I think this would be a great idea.
also make it so you can trade UTs/skins/pet skins/etc… Absolutely no Soulbounds, but that would also mean duping is open market, which also means deca would need to resolve the duping issue.
another idea would to be make it so character slots/vault chests account only
like you buy a vault chest on (current account) you get it on all servers
or instead of that make it so vault chests/character slots farm able, one way to farm them is using the quests or do every star you get on a character you get a certain amount of vault chests and you get a character slot every other star.


But its super rare, and it’s still not as good as etherite, which is more common as well as tradable. Its nowhere near the other event whites such as Juggernaut and Shield of Ogmur. Giving it piercing wouldn’t even bring it up to the two mentioned before. Giving it piercing makes it a weapon worth losing your “friend of the cubes” for.

0.5 range is a difference when you have low range already. The difference between A.S.S. and pixie is noticeable.


buff Sea-dirk lel ecksdee

sometimes tiered ones are better.

cuz it’s range difference is 0.55? :stuck_out_tongue:


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