Sorry, can't join this realm right now [005]


I was doing an abyss with a bunch of people and the realm closed. When I tried to use the portal at the end I got put into an infinite loading screen, eventually showing me this

I left it a little longer and it threw me back to login. Deca pls fix.


Whenever I miss Oryx in a dungeon and hop into the Realm Portal, it sends me to a fresh Realm like it should, but it also freezes (I can move around, but entities disappear, players are all immobile, etc.)

Not sure if this is related, but it seemed similar, so I felt like it was worth mentioning.


In my case it was after the realm had closed, but before it actually got sent to oryx. Usually you can exit the dungeon and it sends you into the closed realm as normal.
My suspicion is that it’s caused by a hackjob bandaid solution to hacked clients connecting to full realms.


This used to happen to me during the Davy’s event after every dungeon, I don’t exactly know why it occurs, but it should go away by it self.


Actually, deca please do not fix this. I’ll take random consequences of spaghetti code hotfixing rather than having a 3rd wave of boating, ty.


I’ve had this also in the same circumstances you describe OP. My guess was that the realm was fine when we went into the dungeon (≤85 players including us). But when we exit the dungeon, the realm count has been inflated past 85 by cheaters. The game thus (mis)judges we are trying to connect illicitly to a full realm, and unfairly disallows it.

Also had it several days when attempting to exit a dungeon after the server has gone into “20 minute restart countdown”, which always used to allow rejoin regardless of the countdown, ss from 5 days ago:

Same outcome, kicked back to login screen.

They have said:

Hopefully this will encompass this problem too.


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